God put strong desires in us to cause us to yield and do what He wanted for us. Sometimes, this desires lead us to the place of our destiny, to the place of fulfilment.
Unfortunately, the devil is also capable of doing the same thing–he put evil thought in people`s heart. The result of those who entertain such bad thought is the catastrophe and the evil happening in the society.
You can choose to listen and do the good desires–this is resisting the devil, or you can allow the bad thought–this is cheating, stealing, talking bad about others, ignoring good things, hating. The list goes on.
Deliberately choose to do good to others and the community you live in. Do not entertain bad things as it will increase if you do. choose to live right and God will help you.
Where you cannot make a change, God will still make all things right in the end. We cannot really fix everything but it is good we do the little we can while we can. Choose to do good. Desire to do good and resist evil urges from the evil one.