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God’s Will–about making mistakes

God’s will

Mistakes does not mean failure. It means that we have to try again. And thank God that we have a good, good father who helps us when we fail by raising us up again. Sweet God!

Don`t be scared to fall because when you fall, you will rise again. God will not abandon you in the valley.

It is not God’s will that we should continue doing the wrong thing again and again. But He does not really care about our mistakes because He knows we can and will make mistakes. He cares about our attitude to the mistakes we make.

So, when you fall–run to God like Peter when he wept after betraying Jesus, like David when he sinned against God and God had no choice but to call Him–a man after my own heart (Acts 13:22), and like You– because you are willing to obey this truth and live a different and a better life.

We are imperfect being living in an imperfect world who must receive corrections and instructions until we enter eternity. Therefore, when you fall, rise immediately–this is His will.

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