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Still Standing

In a world where just about anything can flaw you, you need an exceptional grace of God to stand and keep standing.

It’s only by the grace of God that you can stand, not because you are a good person but because God is a good God.

It’s easy to fall to errors, problems and multiple mistakes in our world. Therefore, to stand strong and still function effectively, you definitely need the grace.

Standing up and staying strong is not an option but the only thing you need to do.

Many will fall, many will fail the test, many will make simple and grave mistakes but you can still stand like David and still bear the name “a man after God’s own heart “.

Everytime you fall, jump back up and keep moving. When Moses was confused about what to do and how to lead the Israelites through the red sea, God told him, tell them to “go forward”.

Your only option is to keep standing. So, defy all odds and get back up and stand and keep standing through God’s Grace.

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