Positioning yourself- preparation

Rth 3:3 NET So bathe yourself, rub on some perfumed oil, and get dressed up. Then go down to the threshing floor. But don’t let the man know you’re there until he finishes his meal.

This is a well thought-out process and carefully crafted to achieve the end result. 

“Bathe yourself” suggest clean up yourself. Be clean! Be ready for your bride/spouse/fiance by showing how neat you are.  Remove the filthy attitude or despicable behavior if any.

How can we expect acceptance when we are too proud to realize how incapable, incompetent, incomplete and fallible we are so we can receive help and grace from the saving Savior?

Careful preparation and planning prove to work effectively if executed appropriately. 

Jesus watched the feet of His disciples to show an example. A woman rubbed and wiped the feet of Jesus Christ to demonstrate humility, death preparedness, passion and love. Smell good and look good so you can stand in the high place.

Jesus Christ and His disciples were known for their unique way of dressing. So, stand out! 

Go ahead and plan the visit, make the call, arrange the place, make use of the precious God-given mind to explore all your options, and God will give you the winning ideas.

I pray that God of heaven will endow us with distinct wisdom to act right in all our ways.

Positioning yourself- closeness or proximity

Rth 3:2 NET Now Boaz, with whose female servants you worked, is our close relative. Look, tonight he is winnowing barley at the threshing floor.

In most cases, your miracle is closer than you can imagine. 

God often put people, things and situations in your life design in a way to help you in your time of need.

There is a reason family members are called immediate relatives because these are the people who stands for you, or stand on your behalf. 

Sometimes, friends can act like a close relative, and there are few closer than family members. They assume this status because they are available and you have build trust over a period of time.

Look nearby; not far for your help is nearer than you imagine. 

Positioning yourself- obedience

Rth 3:5 NET Ruth replied to Naomi, “I will do everything you have told me to do.”

It is not an easy decision for Ruth to follow Naomi after a series of death incidents. 

Not only did Ruth stick to her mother-in-law, she also decided to abide by every instructions. 

What this means is that Ruth foresee her chances of success in listening and obeying Naomi.

Ruth understood that Naomi knew the land more than her and can “make a way” for her to settle down in a new-found region. 

Ruth’s perception was unique and unparalleled. It takes a lot of trust and loyalty to exhibit this personality. 

For years and generations after, Ruth’s actions resonate even till today.

May we find the confidence to trust the saving grace of God, amen!