War and Crisis

This month of October, 2023 saw an unprecedented but not surprising attack by Hamas of the Palestine on Israel.

I am of the opinion that wars and calamities will not stop soon.

According to Biblical prophecy, Israel will continue to face challenges from her surrounding nations.

Also, Jesus said that there will be wars and rumors of wars, it doesn’t mean the end of the world has come.

Don’t be confused, wars and natural disasters are signs that the end time is near, and not the end time.

The world in war crisis?

These times are dicey. Is it safe to say that the world is in a war crisis or on the edge of global war?

What does the prophecy say concerning Israel’s conflicts with neighboring nations?

I have been trying hard to search for any meaningful prophecy (if any) concerning Israel’s conflict with the Palestinian Hamas, simultaneously and dangerously involving the Middle Eastern nations.

Things look ugly, and one can only hope it could get better, but I think it might get worse before we realize what is happening before us.

We should be on guard and pray, too. 

The prayer: lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the enemy. We will not be subject to the evil that will befall the world,  Amen!

The gut feeling

It will take a lot of gut for true Christians to walk this life successfully because there is too much evil everywhere.

Believers should dare to extend their prayer lives. Dare to pray is dare to conquer more grounds. 

The dare to know God’s will is the dare to know Him. Let’s go to God’s presence to obtain His mercy and grace to help us when needed.

There is no shame in displaying our passion for someone we love. So, no shame in showing how much we love God.

We can go the extra mile to please or satisfy our lovers. So, we can love Jesus, too!

He dared die for me in public. So, I will dare show my unwavering love for Him anywhere and everywhere.