The Freedom we have


It is a good thing to be independent but becoming independent may lead to indifference and nonchalant attitude. It is important that the freedom we have does not cause grief in others and pride in us.

The bible warns that, “But you must be careful so that your freedom does not cause others with a weaker conscience to stumble.”

Use the freedom you have to benefit others while lifting people up and still living a meaningful life.

A Big Step

One step at a Time

Success story does not happen easily. In fact, every success achieved usually requires a concerted effort.

To achieve your big dream in life, you might as well be prepared to take some risk and take some big steps.

The first step is very important. So, take a big step towards achieving and fulfilling your dream.

Remember, even God took one giant step when he commenced the creation of the world. And Jesus took the biggest risk when he offered to die on the cross.

Take your big step today and start something with your life. You can live a better life.

No Stigma from an Offense

It is wisdom to overlook an offense.

It only causes more problem when you try to justify the need for an apology. If an apology is not forthcoming, move on. If you stay, more trouble is likely.

There is no stigma from an offense. Emotional grief may linger for a while, but it is wisdom to get over it.  Live your life today better than yesterday.


A strong Bargain

A Stronger Bargain

Prayer is a bargainpresenting a strong reason why your request has to be honored.

Prayers avert every evil plans and intentions of the enemies.

Every time you prayed, you bargain for your life using the name of Jesus. You bargain for souls using the name of Jesus.

The evil ones will not hesitate to do any harm but the moment you pray, even if the harm is about to happen, your bargain in prayer, using the name of Jesus, gives you victory.

There must be a strong reason why a thing happened at all. When you pray, you present a stronger reason why it must happen or not happen.

Actually, you can refuse the wicked ones’ bargain if you have a stronger reason or case to present. You can do so when you pray in the name of Jesus!



Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

The Lover

Loved By God

The righteous is loved forever. ‘The Righteous’ means someone who has been favorably loved by God–someone who is infinitely loved. This is really awesome.

You do not need to do any good thing before God loves you. He loves you regardless of anything and everything you do–good or bad. This is what is called real and true Love.

This is how you know–when you do something irritating or evil, you always have the opportunity to turn to Him for help and mercy. And when you do something good, He does not love you anymore than He already did. He has loved you from the beginning even before you do anything. This is so revealing and mind-blowing.

Eternal Values

Jesus says, “Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.”

This does not mean hating your own life. It means valuing things that last forever more than things that are temporary. It means the seed you hold unto does not last forever but the seed you release to the ground last long.

It means loving material things less. It means loving God and valuing other people than yourself.

It means this life is temporary and that everything will disappear no matter how we try to keep it.

It means understanding your life and placing values properly.

It means re-evaluating your life’s purpose and prioritizing appropriately.

It means you cannot eat your cake and still have it. It means be wise and make good decisions today while you can.

If we have limited time here on earth, then we should engage in the things that, after we have long gone, we would be remembered for. This is keeping your life for eternity.