Wait! Don’t Be In A Hurry–Part 2

Never in a hurry; always on time

Don’t be in a hurry for everything. When you need to move fast, do so. When you need to slow down, allow process to take its course. A baby conceived today is not deliver the next day. It takes nine month for the fetus to mature fully. Apart from noodles and all fast foods, every other foods need time to cook.

God needs time to work on you so that you come out the best. This is not because God is constrained but because we are limited and are not in control of everything.

Samuel waited under Eli before becoming a priest. Joseph waited for about thirteen years (13-year) before his dream came true. Moses waited for forty years (40-year) in the wilderness, and Jesus waited for thirty-three and a half years before he achieved His purpose–to save mankind. Therefore, I say to you, do not be in a hurry with your life. Quick things usually fade away quickly.

Wait, and again I say, wait!

Wait! Don’t Be In A Hurry–Part 1

Never in a hurry; always on time

In the world we live in, everything is at a fast pace. We are often encouraged to be fast and smart. This becomes a competitive advantage. We try to outdo others as much as possible.

God, however, is not like this. God is very patient and long-suffering. He takes His time. In fact, if not for His patience, man will not be in existence. He was not in a rush during creation. Each day had a new task, and the work of creation was carefully completed.

We are encouraged to wait on God. The psalmist says, ” wait, and again I say wait.” His time is usually different from our time. And unlike us, He is never in a hurry. So, we might as well wait if we want a good result from Him.

Let’s put it this way–if God is not done working, then we should not be tired of waiting. The work done hurriedly is often not done properly but the work crafted carefully last long.


Seasons Reminder

Season Reminder

A current season only reminds us that another season will come. Snowtime only reminds us that the Spring will come and when the Springs finally arrives, we know that the summer is in the corner.

The rain only reminds us that the flowers will soon sprout. And the hard soil reminds us that we should wait a little more and the rain will soften the hard crust.

It is appropriate that a farmer who has spent the early Spring planting to expect harvesting in the Fall.

A hardworking student gets success. Diligent entrepreneurs experience business growth and profit. A loving husband enjoys his marital home, and a caring wife wins the love of his lover.

The present problems and challenges of life are just a reminder that the glorious season will come, and we will smile again.

Weeping endures only for a moment, but joy comes in the morning.

Challenges are just a reminder that we can patiently find the solution that makes for a better living.

Challenges are a season, and it will pass. When you have the desired results, and the solutions are in your hands, your season of rejoicing is here.

Understanding the Season; understanding the time.

Understanding the Season

The most important virtue needed in preparation for the right time is Waiting.

Sowing comes before harvesting. Winter always comes before Spring and a child must be born to live as a king.

It took Jesus years to fulfill His mission on earth. God, I have observed, is a God of process.

Patience is needed to achieve the desired result. Unfortunately, we are always in a hurry. God is never in a hurry.

If God is not done working, then we should patiently wait on Him to finish His work.
The season requires time to manifest. And time is a concept we cannot change.

Promises are seeds

Promises are Seeds

Promises are like seeds. They take time to manifest. Promises are for an appointed time. When the time comes, they materialized and everybody can see results in form of fruits.

So, hold onto the promises and work on them by meditating, thinking of these promises until you can see with your inner eyes as they come alive.



Photo by Yair Mejía on Unsplash

Your Season Will Come

Your Season will come

Your season will come, it’s just a matter of time. Whatever your time is, start and continue planting your seeds (working, planning, praying, studying,thinking…) because God is the God of all seasons.

Yes, He will bring it to pass. He is working even though you may not see all that God is doing.

When your season finally comes, the seeds become fruits and you can reap your harvest. Don’t cry anymore. God will bring it to pass. Trust Him a little more.



Photo by H E N G S T R E A M on Unsplash

God’s Will–Now I know His Will

God’s Will

Whatever you know now is sufficient to take you to the next level where you can get to know more. So, you only need to make use of what you know to gain additional knowledge. Knowledge not utilized goes stale (goes bad).

Make use of what you have now to gain more. You already have the spirit of the All-Knowing Being inside of you, and you know all things–if you believe.

If you have just one idea/knowledge, that’s all you need. And if it is two or three or four or five talents is what you have, use it to gain more. This is what you need and this is God’s will for you– to increase all-round.
You know what He want so go ahead and do it. Stop asking any further questions. Use what you have—and gain more.

God’s Will–what exactly is His will in this case

God’s Will

Strong desires to know God’s will does not necessarily mean that we really want to do His will. Sometimes, we just want to know what God’s opinion is in this instance. And we are a curious people too. However, you cannot cajole God.

Gideon was testing God with variations again and again. Moses did the same thing. Today, at least in the New Testament, this is called “doubt”, and God is not happy with this. Read James 1:6-7.

Does God care about what we do? Yes! But does He care about your day to day activities? Yes, but He gives you that control without reservation.

So, does God care about what you eat? yes, but go ahead and eat whatever you like that you think is good and bless it.

How about clothing? Go ahead put on decent clothing and nice materials. Shoes? Wear nice ones. When to wake up? When to take your bath? Where to go today? Should I make that call? Which bus to enter to work or market?

I say to you, go ahead and do whatever you desire to do and you will be doing what He really want you to do–His Will. The reason is because He made us free-will beings. How about tougher decisions like friends, changing job and getting married?

If God is your God, He will guide your heart to make the right decisions and whatever you decide to do will be what He really want you to do. But He as to really be your God to guide your heart. This is like saying that I have to really be the child of the President to be called the president’s Son.

As many as are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.

God’s Will–about making mistakes

God’s will

Mistakes does not mean failure. It means that we have to try again. And thank God that we have a good, good father who helps us when we fail by raising us up again. Sweet God!

Don`t be scared to fall because when you fall, you will rise again. God will not abandon you in the valley.

It is not God’s will that we should continue doing the wrong thing again and again. But He does not really care about our mistakes because He knows we can and will make mistakes. He cares about our attitude to the mistakes we make.

So, when you fall–run to God like Peter when he wept after betraying Jesus, like David when he sinned against God and God had no choice but to call Him–a man after my own heart (Acts 13:22), and like You– because you are willing to obey this truth and live a different and a better life.

We are imperfect being living in an imperfect world who must receive corrections and instructions until we enter eternity. Therefore, when you fall, rise immediately–this is His will.

God’s Will-following others

God’s Will

You can know the will of God by simply following others who have gone ahead of us. Such people have expertise in certain fields and can transfer such skills to others. They possess experience in certain fields and can help you make informed decisions.

Before you follow anyone or listen to anyone, prove them; test them and their life style. Do not just accept them without confirming for yourself.

If someone say one thing and you accept such person as your mentor or your leader or your counselor, this is not smart. Test every words you hear, test every person to be sure you are not led astray. This way, you confirm everything for yourself and you are confident in what you believe.

Moses (in the Bible) “transferred” his Spirit to others. Jesus breathe upon His disciples, and Paul asked the Corinthians to follow him. There will always be someone who knows a little better than you do-who has gone a step further than you and can give you guidance so that you do not miss it.

Find your spiritual guidance, leader, counselor, mentor and you will most likely find God’s will for your life through their directions.