The Power of Importunity (Pray Again)

Keep on praying. Don’t stop praying. Never stop praying. Don’t give up on your important request. Don’t give up improving your health, career, family, and Don’t give up living a better life. At the “9th” hour keep praying. At the “10th” hour never give up, and at the 11th hour never ever give up praying till you see the desired result. Say that prayer(request) again, and again.


Photo by Ben White

Energizer–Source of Happiness

Your daily energy should come from strong desire to fulfill the purpose of the day. Even God had a purpose to create something new on each day of creation. Without a purpose, life is meaningless. Your work, career, studies, projects or any meaningful activity is your reason for living at the moment–this is where you draw your energy. Do it (whatever your work is) and do it very well.

The source of your happiness is waking up each day and finding what your heart desire to do and you are doing it. The energy comes naturally.