Currently, I’m studying the book of Exodus–the journey of the Israelites from Egypt to the promise land. One of the fascinating things that I have observed is how God carefully crafted the laws both in words and in actions, and also writing them for the people through Moses.

God literally outlined every specification for every item that at one point, you may find it boring if you are not a lover of reading the bible. The requirement was elaborated and tasking. At one point, God told Moses “to be sure to make them according to the pattern you were shown on the mountain.” This means, no variations in any form. I feel right now that God is a perfectionist.
But beyond that is then fact God is also a God of order and like things done properly.
Today, we enjoy an ample benefits of Grace. This means that we do not have to be perfect for God to accept us or accept our worship. The bible says that we can come boldly to God’s presence to obtain mercy and finds Grace to help in time of need.
We are imperfect beings serving a perfect God and yet He takes us just as we are. Here, no variations in the sense that if we stink, He cleanses and wash us and makes us pure again.
And the joy of this is that, no matter how you are, all He says is—Come and I will make you clean. This is really consoling and comforting because we live a daily life of inadequacies and if God isn’t nice, we all will be out favor and miserable.
Thank God that although He is perfect, He still choses to embrace imperfect beings.