God of Perfection

Currently, I’m studying the book of Exodus–the journey of the Israelites from Egypt to the promise land. One of the fascinating things that I have observed is how God carefully crafted the laws both in words and in actions, and also writing them for the people through Moses.

Imperfect being serving a perfect God

God literally outlined every specification for every item that at one point, you may find it boring if you are not a lover of reading the bible. The requirement was elaborated and tasking. At one point, God told Moses “to be sure to make them according to the pattern you were shown on the mountain.” This means, no variations in any form. I feel right now that God is a perfectionist.

But beyond that is then fact God is also a God of order and like things done properly.

Today, we enjoy an ample benefits of Grace. This means that we do not have to be perfect for God to accept us or accept our worship. The bible says that we can come boldly to God’s presence to obtain mercy and finds Grace to help in time of need.

We are imperfect beings serving a perfect God and yet He takes us just as we are. Here, no variations in the sense that if we stink, He cleanses and wash us and makes us pure again.

And the joy of this is that, no matter how you are, all He says is—Come and I will make you clean. This is really consoling and comforting because we live a daily life of inadequacies and if God isn’t nice, we all will be out favor and miserable.

Thank God that although He is perfect, He still choses to embrace imperfect beings.


Time 1.0

Time is relevant if we want to do anything. Timing is the most appropriate when targeting a goal or plan or deadlines.

We all give regards to time but not all of us respect time. And that is why some waste a bunch of their time.

Time is Priceless

A quick one, this year is already a quarter and before you know it, it will be dawn. Many will wonder what have they achieved.

I remember what I learnt when I was a young boy: “tick’, ‘tick’, says the clock, ‘tick’, ‘tick’, what you have to do, do quick.
Yes, if there is anything you need to do now, do it now. Tomorrow may be too late or may not even happen.

Once enemy but now Friend Forever

God’s plan of salvation was designed to make us all have equal opportunity for redemption. We were once God’s enemy–people who do not appreciate God.

Yet, the moment we accept Him, we become part of Him; part of His family.
We have established that God loves us regardless of our actions. Most interesting is that even when we are His enemy and we do not think of Him at all, He is constantly reaching out to us in one way or the other. He is hoping that we will find the truth and be free.

God’s basis for accepting us at anytime as little to do with us being good or bad, or being a former hater of Him or lover of Him.

The moment we commit to God,  we become His. We become his friend forever.

So, if you are A Lover of God, you are His Friend forever. You are His forever.

God Is Able

God is able to do greater than you can do; bigger than you can do. God is able to do better than you can do. He is able to go beyond and above what you can imagine or conceive on your mind. God is good; very good.

God is Able

Sometimes, it does not make sense to trust or believe God. The world we live in and the environment does not encourage trust in God but you have to stand for something or you will stand for everything and be miserable or stand for nothing and achieve nothing.

Wherever you stops is His starting point. Do your best, He will pick up from where you stop. Trust Him, He will finish the rest of the job.

God is able therefore, trust Him.

Maintaining A Positive Mental Attitude

There are so much negativity around us. We live in a world perverted with evil but we cannot let evil have any place. We must have and maintain a smart mind to combat evil.

We have a sound mind that can outlast and outsmart evil and pervert situation. We must counter every evil with the truth. The truth will always prevail because only the truth can make people truly free. Evil or lies cannot.

A positive mental attitude can see something good out of every bad or awkward situation. This attitude is result oriented.

Focus your strength on the positive and give less attention to the negative sides. This does not mean you ignore the downside; it only means that you are using your mind effectively.

Jesus said, we cannot gain anything good from getting worried. Anxiety is not positive; it is negative and adds no benefit.

Be hopeful; be optimistic. Evil cannot win. In the end, only good prevails. Truth and only the truth set or make people free. Evil or lies cannot. A positive attitude believes in the possibilities.

Just a little is enough

Most times, we try to do a lot to get (more) of God’s blessing. We often go the extra mile to please Him by doing as much as we can.

But I have come to realize that just a little is enough to impress God.
The Bible says. “if you have a faith as little as a mustard seed….” you can move a mountain.

with little effort, you can move a mountain!

God told Moses to take a handful of ash dust and caused a great miracle across the entire the Egyptians’ land.

Just a rod path the red sea. A small cloud was enough to indicate an abundance of rain. And two fishes and five loaves of bread or bagel fed thousands.

You can think of more little actions that caused great miracle.

So, stop trying hard, especially stop impressing God. You cannot win His heart because you already have it. How? everything we have is through Jesus, and we could not have earned anything through our own works and righteousness.

All He needs is just a little of your effort and that is enough to earn you your desired miracle.

Stop trying hard!


Photo by Robert Baker on Unsplash

New Beginning

Happy new year!
Indeed, it’s a new year and a new start to so many areas of life.

Happy new year!

To man, there will always be a new beginning, but to God, there has never been a time that is new or a thing that caught Him unaware.

This makes me think, if I can follow God who has a deep understanding of time, who knows the end from the beginning, who is ageless and never changes by the time, then my success can be guaranteed.

That makes me think that a renewed relationship with God is the most essential for a successful living.

This is not a yearly thing but a daily thing. This is what I believe everyone should pursue and make most paramount as we begin a new year.
It will be a new beginning and a sweet ending in Jesus name.

Merry Christmas!

I want to wish you a Merry Christmas.

As we celebrate one of the most important time of the season, let us not forget the reason why we do so.

Merry Christmas

Jesus Christ set examples for us to follow.

He also laid down His lives for us, gave us salvation and a restored relationship with God.

We live in a fallen world. Only a relationship with God with commitment  can guarantee hope.

The world has nothing tangible or lasting to offer us. But God has everything to offer us.

There can never be a regret following Him because He promise to always be with you.

Therefore, renew your trust in Him today while there’s still life.

God bless you and happy celebration.