Is This The Place?

The Place

That place may be rosy but it is not the place. It may be good for other people but may not be good for you. In fact, some people (you know) are doing very well in the same place, but you are not. Moving to another state or another country does not necessarily guarantee success especially if your motive is because you are running from problems and challenges of life. There are problems everywhere in every place. New place comes with new challenges.
If it is not the place for you, there is little you can do to get success. If it is not the place for you, it is not the place. It has to be the place for you to be successful.
So, move to The Place.


This series is titled “The Place”

Locate your Location on the Map

The Place

Every place is not the right place for you. You get to some places and you are recognized, but you get to some other places and nobody noticed you. God told Elijah that He had commanded the Raven to feed him at A Place. But Elijah had to move and go to the place where his blessings has been sent.

Locate your place in life. Find where God has provided the blessings. Your mind (heart) will help you know the place. There will be peace when you get there.




Eternity–When and How

It seems to me that if we carefully watch out for the signs in the sky that was mentioned here Matthew 24:29, we will not miss it at all. Jesus Himself mentioned all these signs. So, do you think it is still difficult to miss it or be afraid of His coming or rapture?

The best way to understand this is just the way The Comer Himself explained it–when it is cloudy in the sky, you say “it is about to rain.” So, when He is about to come you will see the sign in the sky.

When the bride is coming, you eagerly wait. When the bride arrives, you know that the bride just arrives. There is no mistake about it that the bridegroom always have a clue as to the arrival of his bride.

Put yourself in the position of the bridegroom and Him (Jesus) in the position of the bride–You can have a clear knowledge when He arrives.

So, there is a moment for you to know (all the signs that will show significantly and clearly in the sky–watch for the sky as He mentioned because it seems something will happen in the sky), and then comes the moment that what you know (above) manifest physically in the sky.

It has always been about events in the sky. Many years ago, as a teenager (in the dream) rapture was all about “drama” in the sky. Today, those who tell their stories always mention something about the sky. Therefore, just like He said, watch for it (events) in the sky.

You cannot miss it if you are waiting for your bride–Jesus.


The next weekly Post is a series (7-week) on a topic “The Place” Do not miss any of it by subscribing.

Eternity– Here He Comes

Jesus Christ never said the exact time He will come and He did not speculate season or moment. He only said certain event will lead to His coming and rapture. He went ahead to warn that “watch out that no one deceive you”…. and then said, “but the end is still to come (Matthew 24:6).

Is it easy to guess when He will come? My answer is nearly “yes” because He said you will see the sign and you will know it is near. Just the same way when the sky is cloudy and then we conclude that it is about to rain. Exactly!

All these news about rapture and end time (flying around) does not seem to do the right job of preparing the believers. This is because instead of helping to watch and pray, it may be causing and creating fear. And it does not mean that believers will care to be ready as expected.

Fear is a strategic weapon of the wicked and he likes to use it a lot. He does not care to use the fear of second coming (or rapture) to make believers ineffective.

If we are truly God`s children, why should we be afraid of His coming? If He announces His coming, we should be happy and not afraid to meet Him.

Let us go on working, watching and praying. All (I mean everyone) of us we know when He comes (Matthew 24:30). I have a conviction that the sign (1) of His coming will show up first, then almost immediately He will appear(2). Note the word “then” There is a slight gap between the two. And if we are truly His children, He will take us all with Him without hesitation. Therefore, like He said, do not let anyone deceive you.

Do not live in fear of His coming.


Check the final post–Eternity-His coming on 10/8/2017

Never Forsaken

For the Christians, there is a comforting promise that “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” This is comforting because it means no matter what is happening, at any given time, He is with us. So, in the good time, bad time, happy and sad moment, whatsoever condition it is, He is around and with us. Therefore, we can live again–never forsaken. The christian is never alone; he is never abandoned. The God who saved him is able to save him “to the uttermost”(Hebrews 7:25). Uttermost means “maximum”, “greatest”, “extreme.” Imagine having maximum salvation or greatest salvation. How beautiful and satisfying it is to know that you are not forsaken for all your days here. Thank God for eternal life!

Bad For Business–About Ethics

The desire to do a successful project/business should not come at all cost. There must be a red line that companies and employees are not allowed to cross. Also, reviewing the organization`s policies and procedures on ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) will likely shed light on any grey areas. Reviewing organization`s procedures and policies will also serve as a check on any excesses and will remind anyone where they may have gotten it wrong.

The best thing is to ask yourself the question–if someone sees my thinking or action, what would they say?

And even if anyone does not see you, God can see you and all will be judged by their actions. Therefore, think before you act, not just for the present but for the future.


Photo by Blake Connally

Eternity Will Break This One

It is said that “habit die hard” but I tell you that eternity will break this one. Why worrying or struggling to break a habit? Yes, we all have at least one habit whether good or bad. Habit can be good or bad. Most of the time, it is the bad habit that gives us concern.

Victory @ last

Is it important to try to break a habit, and why? If a particular habit is wreaking havoc in your life, then deal with it. The problem is that we worry about getting rid of a habit and most of the energy we use to do this can be channeled to do something positive like engage with projects, assignments, making decisions and thinking about something we want to achieve. Doing this immediately draws the mind away from the bad habit. There seems to be one way to deal with habit– and this is to counter it with another habit. So, if my mind is saying “smoke a cigar now or you have forgotten to drink a bottle of beer today” I can only counter this thought by reminding myself that the doctor said, “I stand the risk of a lung cancer if I continue to smoke, and alcohol excesses will damage my heart.

That said, it is still hard to deal with certain habit and I know some reading this know and agree to this. Solution–if this habit can kill you potentially then be prepared to meet your Maker. Check my post We All Will Die

If this does not apply to you, then think about the consequences of continuing the habit and be prepared to face it.

If this also does not apply to you, ask for help. Even Paul, from the Bible, begged God to take away certain problem (infirmities or personal issues) and God Refused. Instead, God gave him Grace. Although, there is no grace to sin again and again. Perfection is impossible in this life. We can only work towards it. To become perfect means no need for grace. We do not merit anything, therefore we need grace..

If this still does not work for you, then give up trying to break any habit. Why focus so much energy on a habit when you can use the same energy to accomplish better things for your life? Trying to break any habit is another strategy from the evil one to make us ineffective. We may never reach perfection until we leave this world–even this world is not perfect. Problems abound.

It is certain that Eternity will break every habit that is hard to break now. So I say, focus your efforts on what you desire to accomplish in life. Check my post 3-step to living a happy life

Eternity will destroy everything that is not good. Go ahead, live your life free of worry about things bothering you. We will all be changed at eternity, after all. So, whatever problem it is: physical, emotional, sexual problems and drug habits, psychological or any whatsoever, all will be done away with when Eternity breaks it all. Instead, focus on your goals and purpose in life.

Watch out for my post on –“Here It Comes” about “eternity”

We All Will Die

Nobody has ever come to this world (life) and live forever and nobody will. Many has come before us and long gone, and many will come after us and will be gone. We all leave after spending our time. And what is left is all we have done–our legacies; our lives. All the big names came and left. Even Jesus had to go back to Heaven. So, it means the world is passing away and with all that is in it. We all will die. There must be something much more to life and we have to find it. What is the meaning of life? Live today while there is time and die tomorrow when it is time. The question then is–how are you living your life now?

Save and Secure

Psalm 91 says “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust.”

For those in Texas and South, and even for those in any distress or trouble, just REST knowing that a Great God can save you from one of His handiwork.
