This morning, I woke up and I found the news about Colin Kaepernick and his association with Nike as a new face of Nike Ad. What caught my attention most is the statement–“Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything.”

Today, we live in a polarized environment. Definitely, America is divided over race. The world is continuously becoming a falling world.
Fighting and hating one another has never been a solution and will never be a solution for a peaceful world, if there would ever be one. What we need is love, care and affection for one another.
Respect your neighbor and love your neighbor. Accept them for who they are.
I am yet to see what a White man can do that a Black or Brown man cannot do.
I have seen great discoveries from all kinds of man. Both and everybody is unique and wonderful.
Color does not matter. Live matters.
We need each other to continue to make America great again.
The world can only be a safe place when we realized that Love and not hate keeps it a safe place.
“Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Photo by Unsplash