Beyond What You Can Do

God is able to do greater than you can do; bigger than you can do. God is able to do better than you can do. He is able to do beyond and above what you can imagine or conceive on your mind. God is good; very good.

Wherever you stops is His starting point. Do your best, He will pick up from where you stop. Trust Him, He will finish the rest of the job.

How To Know The Right Place

The Place

First, watch out for the sign of PEACE. I tell you, this is the leading sign– inner peace. Then watch out for deep satisfaction that is incomparable.
Then, watch out for little successes. This is a sign that God is with you in that project, work, job, relationship. If it will work, you will know from within and without. It has to be both because what you believe inside you must be confirmed from the outside with evidence.
Lastly, you will encounter challenges along the way but the sign that it is (still) the right place ( or right decision) for you is that you will notice God making a way for you out of no way. Be obedient to follow the lead.
Remember, Isaac dig a well three times in different places before he found his place and peace.

You will find your place in life and live in peace.

What is this Place?

The Place

It is possible to get to a place and be confused as to what to do. Often, we all get confused and find it hard to make the best decision.
There are usually solutions and answers when in this type of situation.

First, follow the path before you. If some have gone that path before, their experience serves as a foot steps for you to follow

Second, follow your heart. This is possible only if your heart is right. Don`t deceive yourself and allow your head to overrule your heart. If your heart is not right, you will miss the right direction.

Lastly, God will guide you that you will not miss it if you can hear Him. Isaiah said, “you will hear a voice behind you saying this is the way…. whether it is (the) right or left.” (Isaiah 30:21) What this means is that regardless of where you turn, whether right or left, you cannot miss it as long as you hear the voice telling you to go there. But be sure to hear correctly.

Absence of Trouble in My Location

The Place

God never promise absence of trouble at any time. Instead, He promised Peace. When you get to the place of your destiny, it does not mean that there will be no challenges. In fact, there will be. Your faith and trust in God will be tested. But if it is your place, and you are sure, you will overcome all challenges and come out shining.
Jesus said, “in this world you will have problems but be of good cheer I have overcome the world.”
Be sure you are in the right place and no matter what happens, you will always win.

And to get solution, we must pray. It was on record that Jesus had to pray every morning before others wake up to achieve the magnitude of His success. I believe we will achieve very little without prayer.

Desires from God; Urges from the Devil


God put strong desires in us to cause us to yield and do what He wanted for us. Sometimes, this desires lead us to the place of our destiny, to the place of fulfilment.
Unfortunately, the devil is also capable of doing the same thing–he put evil thought in people`s heart. The result of those who entertain such bad thought is the catastrophe and the evil happening in the society.

You can choose to listen and do the good desires–this is resisting the devil, or you can allow the bad thought–this is cheating, stealing, talking bad about others, ignoring good things, hating. The list goes on.

Deliberately choose to do good to others and the community you live in. Do not entertain bad things as it will increase if you do. choose to live right and God will help you.

Where you cannot make a change, God will still make all things right in the end. We cannot really fix everything but it is good we do the little we can while we can. Choose to do good. Desire to do good and resist evil urges from the evil one.

Go To Where the Blessing Is

The Place

If you are in the wrong place, you can not enjoy God`s blessing. God will not redirect the blessing. You have to go to the place where the blessing has been provided. This rule cannot change. A football player does not plays/shoots or throws the ball to where the receiver is; he plays it to where he want the player to go. So, the receiver runs to catch the ball. Run to catch your blessing at the place.
You have to move from where you are now to where you ought to be. Your blessing is there. Go there.

But I am Told This Is My Place

The Place

First, you cannot blame anybody for your failures in life. So, the fact that you were born in a place does not mean you must live there. Moving from one place to another is dynamic and constant in life until you get to The Place. Jesus moved from place to place to preach. Paul travel to different places to plant churches. Abraham left his native land. Isaac, Jacob (Israel), Joseph all moved. In fact, most people only get to prosper when they moved. So, nobody can tell you this is your place unless and until you are sure it is The Place. People will say a lot of stuff–many of which you must trash if you are going to make any success in your life`s journey. Inner conviction is what you need in determining your Place in life.

Is This The Place?

The Place

That place may be rosy but it is not the place. It may be good for other people but may not be good for you. In fact, some people (you know) are doing very well in the same place, but you are not. Moving to another state or another country does not necessarily guarantee success especially if your motive is because you are running from problems and challenges of life. There are problems everywhere in every place. New place comes with new challenges.
If it is not the place for you, there is little you can do to get success. If it is not the place for you, it is not the place. It has to be the place for you to be successful.
So, move to The Place.


This series is titled “The Place”

Locate your Location on the Map

The Place

Every place is not the right place for you. You get to some places and you are recognized, but you get to some other places and nobody noticed you. God told Elijah that He had commanded the Raven to feed him at A Place. But Elijah had to move and go to the place where his blessings has been sent.

Locate your place in life. Find where God has provided the blessings. Your mind (heart) will help you know the place. There will be peace when you get there.




Eternity–When and How

It seems to me that if we carefully watch out for the signs in the sky that was mentioned here Matthew 24:29, we will not miss it at all. Jesus Himself mentioned all these signs. So, do you think it is still difficult to miss it or be afraid of His coming or rapture?

The best way to understand this is just the way The Comer Himself explained it–when it is cloudy in the sky, you say “it is about to rain.” So, when He is about to come you will see the sign in the sky.

When the bride is coming, you eagerly wait. When the bride arrives, you know that the bride just arrives. There is no mistake about it that the bridegroom always have a clue as to the arrival of his bride.

Put yourself in the position of the bridegroom and Him (Jesus) in the position of the bride–You can have a clear knowledge when He arrives.

So, there is a moment for you to know (all the signs that will show significantly and clearly in the sky–watch for the sky as He mentioned because it seems something will happen in the sky), and then comes the moment that what you know (above) manifest physically in the sky.

It has always been about events in the sky. Many years ago, as a teenager (in the dream) rapture was all about “drama” in the sky. Today, those who tell their stories always mention something about the sky. Therefore, just like He said, watch for it (events) in the sky.

You cannot miss it if you are waiting for your bride–Jesus.


The next weekly Post is a series (7-week) on a topic “The Place” Do not miss any of it by subscribing.