God gives Grace to handle the challenges of each day. He does not give too much that becomes a waste neither does He gives too little that we have to beg for more.

Grace are like doses or supplements that cater for various stages and areas of our lives. Each Grace supplied by God handles a specific area that it is meant to handle.
This is why we need Grace every time because if we run out Grace, we may run into problems associated with the deficiency of that Grace.
So, you don’t want to run out of these important supplements called Grace. They are doses you need to push forward each day. And when it is present, you can fulfill the demand for each day.
Don’t forget, the doses of Grace is needful to cater for the daily challenge. You run out of it, you may run out of energy to win and you may fall easily as a prey to the evil one.
So, ask for this daily those of Grace to live a fulfilled life daily.
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash