The gut feeling

It will take a lot of gut for true Christians to walk this life successfully because there is too much evil everywhere.

Believers should dare to extend their prayer lives. Dare to pray is dare to conquer more grounds. 

The dare to know God’s will is the dare to know Him. Let’s go to God’s presence to obtain His mercy and grace to help us when needed.

There is no shame in displaying our passion for someone we love. So, no shame in showing how much we love God.

We can go the extra mile to please or satisfy our lovers. So, we can love Jesus, too!

He dared die for me in public. So, I will dare show my unwavering love for Him anywhere and everywhere. 

Wisdom nuggets

Your weaknesses make you prone to attack.

Weaknesses are evidence that we are not perfect beings.

Weak spots are a target for the enemy.

It is humility to acknowledge your weakness and ask for help. It is also a smart thing to do.

Acknowledging your weak areas is a sign of strength.

Always ask for help in your weak/vulnerable areas.

The Lord does not fail in His promises.

Obedience is one major key to unlocking the heavenly blessings.

The blessing of the Lord truly makes you rich with little or no stress.

A man’s struggle reduces significantly with any external help or assistance.

Do not align yourself with someone who has a different value system or mindset. It messes up your rhythm.

Trying to befriend a person who does not believe in what you believe is like trying to play cards with the devil.


from wisdom snippets

Positioning yourself- take action

Rth 3:4 NET When he gets ready to go to sleep, take careful notice of the place where he lies down. Then go, uncover his legs, and lie down beside him. He will tell you what you should do.”

This is really fascinating to me. This is Ruth saying to Boaz, “here I am. I am available for you.”

For Ruth to make this bold and brittle move, she must be so confident in herself, and quite audacious. 

It is a rare but necessary move if Ruth is going to settle down in her new-found home. 

Ruth didn’t impose or force herself on Boaz. She waited and carefully do the normal ritual appropriate at the moment.

The ability to read and understand the time, the mood, and the circumstances is impressive.

I believe that this is what made Ruth secure her place in life, not self-righteousness, sneaky behavior, attitude or being cocky.

Nowadays, we seek to do it our own way and we often make mistakes. 

Ruth listened to her mother-in-law, and followed the instructions that got her the rightful position. 

Who has ear let him hear!

Positioning yourself- preparation

Rth 3:3 NET So bathe yourself, rub on some perfumed oil, and get dressed up. Then go down to the threshing floor. But don’t let the man know you’re there until he finishes his meal.

This is a well thought-out process and carefully crafted to achieve the end result. 

“Bathe yourself” suggest clean up yourself. Be clean! Be ready for your bride/spouse/fiance by showing how neat you are.  Remove the filthy attitude or despicable behavior if any.

How can we expect acceptance when we are too proud to realize how incapable, incompetent, incomplete and fallible we are so we can receive help and grace from the saving Savior?

Careful preparation and planning prove to work effectively if executed appropriately. 

Jesus watched the feet of His disciples to show an example. A woman rubbed and wiped the feet of Jesus Christ to demonstrate humility, death preparedness, passion and love. Smell good and look good so you can stand in the high place.

Jesus Christ and His disciples were known for their unique way of dressing. So, stand out! 

Go ahead and plan the visit, make the call, arrange the place, make use of the precious God-given mind to explore all your options, and God will give you the winning ideas.

I pray that God of heaven will endow us with distinct wisdom to act right in all our ways.

Positioning yourself- finding a place

One of the most essential things in life is finding a place you can call home.

It is essential to secure a place and to secure a place, you must search. After you search, then you find your location.

This process is not limited only to finding a place. 

Someone looking for a life partner must search until he/she finds one.

A scholar must search for programs and educational curricula suitable to the line of study. The same goes for friendships, jobs, business partners, vacations, etc.

Rth 3:1- NET 1 At that time, Naomi, her mother-in-law, said to her, “My daughter, I must find a home for you so you will be secure.
You derive security and satisfaction after your findings adventure. 

The quest continues until you find your place. Seek your place in life just like Ruth.

Do not shy away from little obstacles. your place (home) is where you can rest and enjoy peace of mind.

Find your place; find your rest.

Wisdom for this time

Every man has the power to create because of his god-like nature in them.

Generally, when the light comes, darkness must disappear.

Darkness always gives way for light to shine, but darkness often enjoys a slight moment of time.

Most times, it appears that darkness is too prevalent, but in no time, light always finds ways to shine, and darkness must disappear.

As long as darkness cannot last long before the light shines, so evil cannot last long before good overtakes it.

One thing is certain concerning evil people– they will surely be punished for their wickedness.

Truly, the power of creation is in the tongue. This is why truth is powerful, but lies can be deadly.

God, also, is constantly looking for where to shine. He can not operate in a vacuum. He needs a vessel.

Even in the dark, God can still perform. So, where the odds are significantly stacked against Him, He is capable of working wonders. This is why we have what is called a “miracle.”

God experienced darkness too when He (Jesus) was on earth in the form of man.

It is true that whatever you have to do, do it quickly. Truer is the fact that you also tend to forget the needful when you don’t do it at the right time, thereby losing momentum.

How the devil uses good people

The devil uses good people. It’s all about availability.

If you give yourself to the devil and the devil sees an opening, he’ll enter and take advantage.

and give no opportunity to the devil. Ephesians 4:27

A good example is King Saul. The Bible says an evil spirit possessed him, and the evil spirit made him try and kill David.

Now the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and a harmful spirit from the LORD tormented him. 1 Samuel 16:14

But one day when Saul was sitting at home, with spear in hand, the tormenting spirit from the LORD suddenly came upon him again. As David played his harp, 1 Samuel 19:9

Saul hurled his spear at David. But David dodged out of the way, and leaving the spear stuck in the wall, he fled and escaped into the night. 1 Samuel 19:10

Another example is Peter.

Jesus told Peter to pray so the devil won’t have power over him.

Peter couldn’t stand the test of time because he didn’t spend time praying.

The lack of prayer allowed the devil to use him to deny Jesus. He denied Jesus three times.

The devil still uses good people today. The devil can use Christians who are careless and not prayerful.

The devil uses Christians to disrupt God’s plan and purpose. He uses them to create discord and confusion among people.

The devil likes to use overzealous and hypocritical Christians to cause havoc among God’s people.

Therefore, Christians should be watchful at all times by praying regularly so that the devil does not have power over them.

So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7