God’s Will– What we Know already

There are some clearly written God’s will and we know this already.

It is God’s will to give thanks. Jesus constantly gave thanks before doing anything. He gave thanks and then the two fishes and five loaves of bread multiplied.

It is God’s will to stay away from all sexual sin.

It is God’s will to stay and live healthy

It is God’s will to lack nothing.

Find and follow what is expressly written in God’s word, and you won’t make any mistakes.

How To Know God’s Will– Simplified

It is not difficult to know the will of God for our lives as we think it is. The reason is because, sometimes, we already know His will but we often think we do not.

First, whatever you decide to do today–whatever choice(s) you make and steps you take, to some extent, are part of God’s will for your life. We just don’t know this.

In the next days, I will discuss a few topics in a series that explain knowing God’s will for our lives.

–what we know already

–what we do not know

–what is revealed and not revealed

–following others

–making mistakes

–what exactly is His will in this case

–Now I know His Will

Re: When God is Not God

First of all, God cannot choose to not be God. This concept only exist on our mind when we feel disappointed that God did not do what we trusted Him to do.

This happens when we hold onto His promise(s) and did not see it happen.

God’s promises are “yes” and “amen”. It will surely come to pass. It’s just a matter of when. Remember, God honors His Word more than His name.

If you don’t know when an event will take place, you simply wait and on the lookout. If it doesn’t happen at the moment you expected, does this make Him incapable or limited,  or a liar? The answer is definitely “No”

So, what happens when we expect Him to do a promise and it does not happen? We surrender to His will. This is because He knows all things and He knows the best.

Learn to accept God both in the good time and also in the bad time. Learn from men of old and those who has gone through and going through a hard time right now and you will see that God has done and He is doing so much good for you than you can ever imagine.

Abraham was and is a good example. He didn’t know when God’s promise of a child will take place, but he waited. Although, he erred and missed it. His mistake still lingers on. At the right time, God visited him and his wife gave birth to Isaac.

God cannot seize to be God regardless of how we feel about Him, or the event of life.

Often, we are in a hurry, thinking that God is not doing His promise. Yes, He is! You just don’t see it with your naked eyes.

Remember, He uses both the good and the bad to accomplish His purpose in life.

God was God in Pharaoh, and God was also God in David.

So, whether it’s a good situation or a bad situation, God is still God.

..but there’s a single situation that God is not God.

When you refuse to believe and doubt this Word, then God can’t be God. God is not God in your life when you doubt Him because He’s incapable of working His good promises in an unbeliever.

Therefore, accept His purpose and His will even when it does not makes sense.
God is still God regardless of our condition–good or bad.