God still makes ways

As the year 2024 runs to an end, God still makes ways where there is no way.

And if there are things that are not achieved this year, 2025 brings new beginning and hopes.

The confidence of a believer is in his God’s ability to do the impossible.

For with God nothing shall be impossible.

Isa 43:19 EasyEnglish Look! I will do something that is new! Now it appears quickly. Surely, you can see it. I am making a road in the sandy places. And I am making streams in the wild places.

Desires for God

‭Psalms 143:6 NLT‬
[6] I lift my hands to you in prayer. I thirst for you as parched land thirsts for rain. Interlude


Our desires for God increases when we experience spiritual dryness and depth hunger (spiritual feelings) for Him.

Usually, these desires only disappear when we engage in intense prayers. This is not just normal prayers, but a mutual communication with God that draws your heart to Him so you can know what the will of God is.

The next time you experience an inner, spiritual urge, do not hesitate to pray.

For the Christian, prayer is when you engage God in personal, cordial conversation with Him, and you can talk about various issues that is on your mind. 

Fix your eyes on Him

Hebrews 12:2 NIV
fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him, he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Fix your eyes on Jesus. Do not relent looking unto Jesus.

‭Psalms 34:5 ERV‬
[5] If you look to him for help, he will put a smile on your face. You will have no need to be ashamed.


God will not fail you in your time of need.

He is faithful. 

God is so good.
Jesus is so loving…so, so sweet, loving Jesus ❤️

A life changing investment

Every time we make decisions and choices, it is an act of deciding our future and how it takes its shape.

Every reasonable decision has a life-changing impact that can turn out for good.

Good decisions make a good life and bad decisions make a bad life.

Each time we make decisions, it becomes an investment in our lives.

A good investment would likely result in a good life, and a bad investment results in a bad life.

For instance, investing in education can result in a (wide) variety of good things for an individual. Also, investment in your kids can give them a bright future, etc.

Decisions to commit your life to God can and should result in eternal life.

Thus, our decisions end up being the investment we make to have a meaningful life or a terrible one.

The decision to live a good life is a life-changing investment.

Righteous life over moral life

We owe it to ourselves and to the public to live a moral life, but we must trust God to live a righteous life.

Moral life does not endear God. Righteous life does!

It is good to live a moral life, but this is necessary for making good impact in our world.

The life that makes everlasting impact and guarantees our access to God is a righteous life which is only possible through Jesus.

Still here by God’s grace

It is by the grace of God that we stand for by strength shall no man prevail or succeed.

“He will protect his faithful ones, but the wicked will disappear in darkness. No one will succeed by strength alone.
1 Samuel 2:9 NLT

So, it is not of him who knows how to do it or behave better, but it is God who keeps and sustain those who put their trust in Him.

So it is God who decides to show mercy. We can neither choose it nor work for it.
Romans 9:16 NLT

Therefore, we can say by the grace of God We are still here.

No going back!

Today, I found a song that I had known a long time ago and I decided to post it.


I have put my hands on the plough, and I am not looking back.
There’s no reason to give up now. It’s too late!

I have my eyes set high, upon the hill, and I’m going to give it all.

Through the grace of God, any Christian will make it in this life and in the life to come.

Resist evil

If you do not eliminate the enemy completely, they will come back to fight you and you may get caught unaware.

God’s idea about the enemy is that they must be completely wiped out. If the enemy is not eradicated, even if it is just one, it would ensnare you and be a problem.

Jdg 2:2-3 NET 2 but you must not make an agreement with the people who live in this land. You should tear down the altars where they worship.’ But you have disobeyed me. Why would you do such a thing? 3 At that time I also warned you, ‘If you disobey, I will not drive out the Canaanites before you. They will ensnare you and their gods will lure you away.’”

“Resist the devil” could also suggest that you get rid of him so he does not hinder or stop your progress.

The enemy target your weak areas. So, you need to be on guard for any onslaught. This is why you must resist evil and eradicate it completely, if possible.

The enemy you spare today will come back to hurt you.