Deep inside, the battle goes on

God does not forced His will upon anyone. He allows us to make our choices so that we do not have to blame Him for our mishap. God cannot and will not violate the free-will of man. Ability to make choices and decisions is at man’s disposal.

God often encourage people to do the right thing. It’s hard to know and interpret the exact thought that is in the mind of God. That’s why we need revelation. God reveals His thought to His own people. Revelation usually takes time to come to pass.

Generally, people seek God in times of trouble but you do not have to wait to build a relationship with God. It is wisdom to seek God.

God qualifies people to do His will. God communicated to people with respect to peculiarity of the time and season. So, what was not relevant 2000 years ago will be concealed. The same information will be communicated today because it is relevant with our time. This also applies to culture and values.

…..but deep inside the heart, the battle goes on forever because evil is constantly contesting with good.

For This Cause

You have a sense of fulfilment when you do things you will be forever remembered for.

Light Your World

Great men are remembered for the great things that they did.

Ambition to do good is better than ambition to amass wealth.

Find and do anything (good) you can be remembered for long after you are gone.

Do things that brings smiles to other faces. This is fulfilment; this is life.

You don’t need to affect or touch a lot of people in life. Your immediate people in your environment are your people. They are your ministry. Touch and affect them positively and you are forever blessed for doing what God want you to do in life. And if God gives you grace to reach a large number of people, make good use of it.

Salt and Light–Light Your World

The purpose of a torch is to bring light to the surrounding darkness. The torch does it job by shining brightly.

It is your responsibility to shine your light to your world. Why? Because you are a light. And light shines.

Your daily activities reflect your light or darkness. If you are full of evil deeds, it will reflect and if you are doing good, it will reflect also.

The difference is that people around you can tell whether you are a good person or a bad person.
Shine your light and let it affect people around you. Remember, your light is the “work” that you do on daily basis.

Salt and Light–made for this

When God created Adam and Eve, He specifically instructed them to work and make progress and subdue the land. That means, the whole essence of Man is to affect and impact his environment positively.

You don’t need a big name or a big post to do this. You only need a big heart to do what can affect people around you.

Start from where you are–which could be your corridor and from there you make the world a beautiful place while fulfilling your purpose of creation.
This is what you were made for.

Salt and Light–Introduction

This series is in conjunction with a youth program in ICB RCCG, Brooklyn, New York, titled “made for this–Salt and Light. August 3-5, 2018.

Jesus said. “You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.”

Salt is only useful when it retains it flavor. The moment the salt loses it flavor, it becomes useless.

Your life is still useful as long as you are impacting and contributing to other people’s life and humanity. The moment you are not doing this, you become useless and irrelevant.

So, like the salt, make your life counts while it last. You will only be remembered for what you have done, whether good or bad. So, choose to do good and make other people happy. You can only be truly happy when you bring smiles to other people’s face.

Praying for Grace

We need the Grace of God to live a good life. No one is perfect. We are all fallible. It is God’s precious grace that separate a man from his peers.

Praying for grace is asking God to give us a gift we do not deserve.
It’s like praying for a condemned criminal to be saved.

God is gracious and merciful. He will, out of His mercy, do what we ask for.

The Freedom we have


It is a good thing to be independent but becoming independent may lead to indifference and nonchalant attitude. It is important that the freedom we have does not cause grief in others and pride in us.

The bible warns that, “But you must be careful so that your freedom does not cause others with a weaker conscience to stumble.”

Use the freedom you have to benefit others while lifting people up and still living a meaningful life.