Deep inside, the battle goes on

God does not forced His will upon anyone. He allows us to make our choices so that we do not have to blame Him for our mishap. God cannot and will not violate the free-will of man. Ability to make choices and decisions is at man’s disposal.

God often encourage people to do the right thing. It’s hard to know and interpret the exact thought that is in the mind of God. That’s why we need revelation. God reveals His thought to His own people. Revelation usually takes time to come to pass.

Generally, people seek God in times of trouble but you do not have to wait to build a relationship with God. It is wisdom to seek God.

God qualifies people to do His will. God communicated to people with respect to peculiarity of the time and season. So, what was not relevant 2000 years ago will be concealed. The same information will be communicated today because it is relevant with our time. This also applies to culture and values.

…..but deep inside the heart, the battle goes on forever because evil is constantly contesting with good.