The Resurrection

On Sunday, the third day, our Lord Jesus Christ resurrected! Praise God! Hallelujah! The victory is now completed. He died on the cross, He ransomed us from punishment, He rescued us from eternal damnation , He saved us from spiritual annihilation, He delivered us from sin and from the shackles of death.

The Cross, my freedom

He did it all and capped it by resurrecting to show that no other power is greater than Him, and no contention that He is truly the Son of God that came from God as a gift for Humanity–to draw us, the lost, to a loving God.

How would it be if the believers are without hope of a living God. Paul said, we would be the most pitied people on earth. It was so important that Jesus resurrected because this is our only Hope; this is our essence, our life our existence and our freedom.

I think Jesus “came, saw and conquered!”

Now, this is our freedom and our joy in that we serve a living God who we can run to and be welcomed. I am thrilled and so happy that I am saved, not just for now but forever.

Hallelujah! He lives forever.


The Grave

Jesus successfully defeated sin at the cross. From there, Jesus descended to the grave to accomplish another task. One major man’s tormentor: Death, has to be fought and conquered.

The Cross; my freedom

Jesus went into the grave and dealt a final blow on death. Whenever a man dies, he is buried in the grave and potentially, this is the final blow for man. Jesus had to fight death and conquered it so that man can be free not just from sin but also from death’s power.

So, if any man dies even though he goes into the grave, the grave can no longer hold him forever because if he believes, he goes to God’s paradise.

More importantly, spiritual death means separation from God forever and this is ultimately why death has to be conquered so that when man who believe in God dies, he does not really die. Yes, he is only transformed and changed to a new “person”. Bible says, “Then, when our dying bodies have been transformed into bodies that will never die, this Scripture will be fulfilled: “Death is swallowed up in victory.” This is everlasting freedom.

So, this is why no Christian should be afraid of death by any means. Jesus successfully conquered death. He has the power to save us ultimately from both physical and spiritual death.

This is mind-blowing. His love is relentless and endless and just too much. Sometimes, when I think of how much love He has for us, tears roll down my cheeks. I cannot thank Him enough.

Jesus conquered sin and also conquered death. We are infinitely free, and free forevermore.


The Cross

The Bible says that without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin. Jesus died on the cross to bring man salvation; to bring us closer to God and to redeem us from the curse of sin.

He has to die to ransom us. He has to replace us at the judgement thereby freeing us while He is being punished for our sin.

The main thing here is that the cross was the place of punishment and also the place where the victory over sin was declared. Without Jesus shedding His blood at Calvary, it would have been difficult for us securing salvation.

Someone has to be punished for a sin or an offense. Look at it this way: in the court room, the accuser successfully made a case against the “offender”, the judge passed a judgement and declaring that according to the law, you must die for your offense.

All of a sudden, someone just showed up and tells the judge that he will serve your punishment and that you are free to go. The judge then agrees. And you leave the court room as a free person. Yes! that’s exactly what happen when God passed a judgment on us for our sin but Jesus stood in our place so we do not have to suffer.
He suffered on the cross the punishment for our sin. How grateful we ought to be. The cross was the deal and will remain relevant while the earth last.

A Change No One Expect

This is a change. This is a transformation no one expected. Everyone wakes up only to realize that your life has changed; your life took a new turn. Some are surprised. Some are happy while some may not. Yes, because they do not expect the change.

Be Free!

The change is a transformation of life which start from within. How can this be? It’s only a supernatural manifestation that can alter a natural occurrence.

A changed life means a complete turn-around from an old life to a new life. Sometimes, a man can decide to quit smoking or drugs and alcohol. It may even be a dangerous way of life that you are giving up. This type of efforts and decisions do not often last because it is not accompanied by a supernatural force that brings about the needed change. Some do last with help from other people.

My point is this, no matter how we try to live differently, we still need a supernatural God to bring about the ultimate change. What we cannot or accomplish all by our-self, He can and He will if we let Him in.

The transformation God brings create a new You. He takes away the “old” and gives the “new” in while still maintaining the container. He does not alter the human personality, yet He makes a brand new person. After such a change, you always know you are different.

This change is what brings the new, sweet aura into your life. Let your changed life glows and glows again and again. This is your life; your destiny. You have been waiting this long for a new beginning. Now you have it. Let it glows.

Let your life shines the new light that glows around you. Live anew.