The Grave

Jesus successfully defeated sin at the cross. From there, Jesus descended to the grave to accomplish another task. One major man’s tormentor: Death, has to be fought and conquered.

The Cross; my freedom

Jesus went into the grave and dealt a final blow on death. Whenever a man dies, he is buried in the grave and potentially, this is the final blow for man. Jesus had to fight death and conquered it so that man can be free not just from sin but also from death’s power.

So, if any man dies even though he goes into the grave, the grave can no longer hold him forever because if he believes, he goes to God’s paradise.

More importantly, spiritual death means separation from God forever and this is ultimately why death has to be conquered so that when man who believe in God dies, he does not really die. Yes, he is only transformed and changed to a new “person”. Bible says, “Then, when our dying bodies have been transformed into bodies that will never die, this Scripture will be fulfilled: “Death is swallowed up in victory.” This is everlasting freedom.

So, this is why no Christian should be afraid of death by any means. Jesus successfully conquered death. He has the power to save us ultimately from both physical and spiritual death.

This is mind-blowing. His love is relentless and endless and just too much. Sometimes, when I think of how much love He has for us, tears roll down my cheeks. I cannot thank Him enough.

Jesus conquered sin and also conquered death. We are infinitely free, and free forevermore.


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