Still standing

1 Corinthians 15:58 ERV
[58] So, my dear brothers and sisters, stand strong. Don’t let anything change you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord. You know that your work in the Lord is never wasted.

The world and its environment are full of discouragement, and a lot of wickedness surround us.

The psalms says that God should respect His agreement because evil exists in every place of the earth. Psalms 74:20

The admonition is to keep standing still regardless of all the atrocities in the world.

Wickedness abounds everywhere, but God is able to keep His own to the end, and He will.

Beyond insult

1 Peter 4:14 NIV
If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.

The things that believers experience these days are far more than insulting.

And I believe that as the end of time approaches, the sufferings of the believers will greatly increase that, if God does not help, only a few will be able to endure to the end.

God will (surely) help!

Your good works not good enough

‭Romans 3:20 ERV‬
[20] because no one can be made right with God by following the law. The law only shows us our sin.

Most times we think we can impress God and others with our good things. Actually, we believe we can convince others of our good behaviors by doing good things.

God, however, is not necessarily impressed by any of our good actions.

Doing the right stuff does not endears us to God’s right standing.

It is only through Jesus we have access to God.

Obeying all the laws does not makes us sinless; it only makes us realize how awfully sinful we are.

Whatever you ask!

Mark 11:22-24 NIV
“Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. [23] “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. [24] Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

This is a wonderful promise from Jesus to His redeemed people.

The Love life

‭Galatians 5:14 NLT‬
[14] For the whole law can be summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

The life of a Christian is a love life. The whole nature of God is encapsulated in love. God’s nature is rooted in love, deepest love that any human can ever imagine.

Now, if any man experience and has this love life, it will exude God’s nature, the very essence of living the life of God.

You can only become like God by having a love life. This is what God calls us into, and this is the reason God is God, and this is how a Christian is distinguished from every others.

The Christian life is a love life. Ability to love deeply and love strongly and love unconditionally is the God-given nature that Christians experience in it grandiose.

Trusting in God

‭Isaiah 26:3 NLT‬
[3] You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!

Our peace is guaranteed as long as we keep trusting in the Lord.

Trusting God when it makes no sense is the best time to trust Him.

‭Proverbs 3:5 NLT‬

[5] Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.

There is so much that we can do before we reach our wits end. When we get to the place of confusion and do not know where to turn or what to do, trust God for the lead. 

Trust for the lead, for the guide and for the help.



My most important prayers 🙏

I pray quite well, but I have some prayers that I pray literally every single day.

Even God in heaven can associate these prayers with me.

The prayer lines are: that God will show me (more) mercy, and that His will be done in my life.

This is how I always say it– Lord, let your will be done in my life, and show me mercy.

I have come to fully realize that I need God more than I need anything else in my life.

Desires for God

‭Psalms 143:6 NLT‬
[6] I lift my hands to you in prayer. I thirst for you as parched land thirsts for rain. Interlude

Our desires for God increases when we experience spiritual dryness and depth hunger (spiritual feelings) for Him.

Usually, these desires only disappear when we engage in intense prayers. This is not just normal prayers, but a mutual communication with God that draws your heart to Him so you can know what the will of God is.

The next time you experience an inner, spiritual urge, do not hesitate to pray.

For the Christian, prayer is when you engage God in personal, cordial conversation with Him, and you can talk about various issues that is on your mind.