A Thankful Heart

It is a good thing to give thanks.

From childhood, we learn to say “thank you” when we receive a gift from someone. One of the lessons was it is a good culture to be grateful.
There are several reasons why we should be thankful.

We give thanks to show gratitude. When we receive what we ask for and we want to demonstrate how happy we are, we usually give a smile and an expression of gratitude.

Sometimes, we do not receive what we ask for. In this case, the bible encourages us to still give thanks.
It says, “in all things give thanks for this is God’s will for us.” So, giving thanks is like a commandment from God so that we do not do it when it is most pleasant but also when it is unpalatable. That is, we can say “thank you Lord for all you have done and for all you are doing even though I cannot see the ones you are doing right now or the ones you are going to do tomorrow”, and we will be fulfilling a key part of God’s purpose for our lives.

Therefore, we can give thanks not just when it is convenient but when it does not make any sense to do so. You do not follow your natural instinct to obey God or do the right thing;  just do it.

Your natural instinct does not know how to love God and does not want to do the things of God. So, waiting for the most favorable time to say “thank you” is the devil’s deception of saying – there isn’t anything to be thankful for.

But we know that God is good not only in the good time but also in down time and He is ever blessing us .

Thank Him today and thank Him everyday of your life for everything.

Find Your Heart; Find your Means

You can conceive great ideas and logical means of creating wealth . As long as your heart does not condemn your actions, this is possible. For instance, your heart will lead you to your place of destiny, to the place where you will be successful or fulfilled. The scientific function of the heart is to pump and supply blood to every part of the body.

Your Heart- Source of your Mean

This means the heart knows and reaches every part of a human body. It is safe, then, to say that the heart knows every part of the bodies’ need. It can guide you to where your treasure lies.

If your heart is filled with an evil thought, it can only produce evil actions. If you cheat, it’s because you conceive cheating in your heart. If you lie, it’s because your heart has been seared, corrupt and degraded that it cannot hold the truth anymore. If you work hard, it’s because your heart believes working hard is key to success. whatever you do, your heart conceives it. This is why your heart has to be “good” to produce any good actions.

Behind every intentions is a longing heart that serves as a driving, propelling force to fulfill the intentions. Therefore, if you can find your heart, you will be able to find your purpose for existence. If you do this, you may likely provide and meet your own need while fulfilling your longings.

A CPA student’s desire will be to complete the exams and practice or use the certificate to get a better job. The same goes for PMP student, MBA student, Ph.D student and for any profession.

Imagine if the same heart can conceive any evil thought at all. This means that a person can wake up with the soul purpose of carrying out an evil act such as mass shooting or bombing, robbing a bank or cheating.

The more compelling thought is that the heart can hold any thought within a second and can keep such thought (plan) for a very long time—becoming a purpose–with a desire to achieve this purpose. Therefore, if your heart is evil, you are a potential danger to anyone.


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Find Your Heart; Find Your Purpose

Your heart will always chase and run after it passions. The heart searches for constant satisfaction  and fulfillment.

Like I said in my previous post, Every time you wish for a thing, it’s because your heart desires it. And when those desires finally become a reality, you feel excited. As a being, we are naturally looking for maximum satisfaction.

Your Heart-Source of your Happiness

This will lead us to defining our purpose because if you know why you exist, why you are here and why you are still breathing, finding your satisfaction won’t be difficult. If you understand your heart and its longings, you will know your purpose for living. Remember, your satisfaction is derived from fulfilling your heart desires.

So, my point is, you get satisfaction when you get what you want or what you are chasing or what you longed for. The question, then, is what are you living for? Why are you still here? Why do you keep doing what you do? If you can answer these questions, you may be able to find fulfillment.

I will walk through examples to help resonate this point. At the dawn of each day, the first thing is to get up and get out to work or do something that resides in your heart. This may be to go to work, complete a project, meet for the conference, call a friend, etc. Once your heart finds its desires, your purpose works to align with it to bring you satisfaction.

The reason you do a thing is because it’s been in your heart over a period of time. Search your heart and your desires will not be too far-fetched.

The longings of your heart ( what you really wish or desire) is your purpose for living.

If your purpose is to make the world a better place, the solution is to find the little you can do to make this a reality. Your purpose may be to help sick people, help young children, assist a manager on a project, complete a task, find the cure to a killer disease, support your community, care for the needy, write good stories for others to read, raise godly kids, serve in your church or community, whatever it is, as long as your purpose is well defined, your heart will work to bring this to satisfaction by acting as your driving force.

Therefore, search your heart and you will find your purpose for living.

As I said, your purpose can be just raising your kids in a godly and acceptable manner while a purpose can also be to lead a country where people of all diverse backgrounds have equal opportunity and right to all basic supports, and people living happily within a viable society.

Whatever it is, your purpose is within your heart and will work to bring your purpose to reality.


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Find Your Heart; Find Your Happiness

The things that bring gladness to a man are not oblivious to the heart. They are things that the heart knows and understand. Every time you wish for a thing, it’s because your heart desires it. And when that thing finally become a reality, you are happy.

Your Heart; Your Happiness

Your happiness is a function of the desires of your heart. You cannot be truly happy without satisfying your heart. Your heart is where all of your desires reside, and when those desires are fulfilled you experience happiness.

It is possible for you to be happy when you do an evil thing like an armed robber who stole is happy with the goods carted away. Also, a person who cheat looks happy because he is satisfied at another person’s dissatisfaction.

This is why the heart is a very complex part of you that must be guided what it feeds on.  A good tree only produces a good fruit and a bad tree will produce bad fruit.

Your true happiness lies in the abundance of the fulfillment of your heart. Look for those things that you long to achieve and you will bring smile to your face in a short amount of time.

Often, we are unhappy because we are not getting the things that we desire. A little effort to work at what our heart desires will most likely bring merriness to the heart.

You can live each day a happy person. This is possible if you can find what brings satisfaction to you. Your life’s fulfillment is heavily dependent on the satisfaction of your heart desires. You may need to stop doing those things that causes heart ache. Some of us needs to stop the evil acts we are engaged in.

In the true sense, evil actions does not have sustaining capacity to bring happiness to a man. So, you cannot remain a happy person doing evil. The Heart is designed by God to engage in activity that brings peace to humanity.

Find your heart and you will live happily the rest of your days.


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Find Your Heart; Find Your Life

At the Heart is the crux of all matters. The heart determines the existence of all actions.

Your Heart; Your All

The Bible says that out of the heart produces all kinds of evil. The same heart can generate the opposite of evil. That is, the heart can produce good thoughts, good behavior and good life.

Today, I will concentrate on how you can use your heart to live a better life.
It is often said, “follow your heart” because it is expected that your heart flows the treasures of life.

If you are going to live a fulfilled life, you need to do what your heart desires to do. You cannot do what other people do or are doing and be fulfilled. You cannot live other people’s life and claim you live your life. You cannot live other people’s dream and purpose.

You’ve got to find yours and live it. It comes from what your heart desires. Don’t follow the multitude; follow your heart since it will guide you to where your treasure is.

So, I say, if your heart does not condemn your actions, then it might as well be what you are destined to do. Do it and find joy and satisfaction. You will live a fulfiiled life by doing so.


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Trusting God

I do not know so much but I know that worry does not achieve any result. Worry only makes matter worse. It makes us feel depressed and lose hope.
It does more damage and does no good.

Instead of worrying, we can trust God and lay every burden on Him.
Jesus clearly said that even if we worry, it cannot change anything. And He ends the statement by saying that we should not worry about tomorrow because each day has its own challenges.
So, instead of worry about things that concerns us, we can trust God.

I understand how difficult this is. I am still in the process myself– trusting God for everything.

Trust in the Lord

A good example is we do not worry about the day dawn or the sun coming out because we know it will happen. The things that we worry about are often material things, and Jesus said that if the bird who does not know God get their daily needs how much more we who He honors and respect.

Let us respect God also by trusting that He is able to do and perform what He promise. Remember, we are all in the process of trusting God more.

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Prayers can Defeat the Power of Evil

The Bible says that “when the righteous prospers, the city rejoices…..” Yes, when a “good” man rules, there is peace and abundance in the land. Just the opposite happens when an evil man reigns over the land.

Good vs Evil

It occurs to me that believers cannot just afford to fold hands and do nothing while evil prevails over the land and where there are perversions in the city.

Believers must rise and pray. They must pray against the reign of evil. It is the power of prayers that can defeat evil. And the prayer of a righteous man works wonder.

So, to every believer and those who love the Lord, let us rise (and continue to rise) and take up the challenge and pray for the deliverance of the land from evil before it overtakes us all.

Only the effective prayers of the believers can defeat the power of evil that is in the land.

Rise up and knock out the evil from the land and see righteousness reign again!

Good Vs Evil- where it all began

I have always thought about evils that prevail in our society today. The presence of evil and the people who commit such act called evil often worries me.

Good vs Evil

My mind flashed back to the garden of Eden. In the garden, God told Adam and Eve to avoid eating the apple because if they do, the apple will open their eyes to the world of Evil. So, we can deduce that Adam and Eve did not know anything called Evil or we can say that it did not exist then.

But we all know– they did eat the apple courtesy of the devil’s temptation.
Talking about the devil, if you remove the letter “d” from his name, we have “evil”. something tells me that the author of evil must be the devil himself.

Yes, devil was the first to disobey God and leads all other and he is still leading others to disobey God.
But one quick thing is that Adam and Eve chose to listen to the devil. So, had they not listen to that evil voice, we will probably not be where we are today.

So, choose carefully who and what you listen to.

There is always a voice telling you to do something bad or terrible. You can choose to listen to the voice or you can choose to shut the voice out.

If you decide to command the evil voice to shut up and get lost, I believe that “the voice” will realize that you know who you are and that you understand your authority.

Good has the overwhelming capacity to overcome evil to the extent that we allow or enable it.

Choose to do good today and see the world become a better place.



Photo by Jonny Caspari on Unsplash

Keep It Up

Our daily lives are so busy with so many things to accomplish and do. Many of the things we do are not necessarily of eternal values. They are just earthly relevant.

It is the responsibility of the believer to keep up the light shining and the fire burning.

The worries of this life: the desires to achieve and be successful are strong but the grace of God is greater and stronger.

The Bible said, “But you, dear friends, must build each other up in your most holy faith, pray in the power of the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.

There are vital ingredients that are useful to keeping it up in your faith–stay in love, build your faith through the Word and never stop praying.

Don’t be caught in the web of this lives, and refuse to worry about anything by focusing on God who promise to be with you forever. If you do this, you will not lose your momentum and you will be able to encourage others too.

Turn Your Complaints into Prayers

Instead of complaining to God and everyone, you can use the same energy to pray and achieve great result.

Prayer is an effective tool

Complaining does not guarantee anything other than waste of energy and resources.

The Israelites are a perfect example. They complained to God and Moses throughout their Exodus journey. Many of them could not get to the promise Land.

The Bible encourages us to make all our request known to God. You can do this by telling Him rather than complaining.

The same amount of energy and resources is required to achieve complain and prayer. But one is effective and the other is not.
Turn to God and turn your request unto Him in prayers and see results as it unfolds.
Greater glory lies ahead.