Merry Christmas!

I want to wish you a Merry Christmas.

As we celebrate one of the most important time of the season, let us not forget the reason why we do so.

Merry Christmas

Jesus Christ set examples for us to follow.

He also laid down His lives for us, gave us salvation and a restored relationship with God.

We live in a fallen world. Only a relationship with God with commitment  can guarantee hope.

The world has nothing tangible or lasting to offer us. But God has everything to offer us.

There can never be a regret following Him because He promise to always be with you.

Therefore, renew your trust in Him today while there’s still life.

God bless you and happy celebration.

The Birth made Special

I am thrilled that I was born during the time we celebrate the birth of Jesus. It’s a joyous thing to celebrate especially one’s birth.

This season, we celebrate the birth of one and only Jesus who came and was born in a manger. There was nothing special about His birth but He was born special.

Angels celebrated His birth, Wise men saw the Stars, and even the King thought His arrival would dethrone him.

So, the little baby became the savior of mankind. He bridged the gap created by sin and a sinful world.

Ever since He was born till now (and forever), He is celebrated.

By far, the most important thing about Him is He bringing us salvation and relationship with God because He is Emmanuel.

Now, we have peace with God through God’s only Son, Jesus.

Everything in life is nothing–they are all meaningless like chasing the wind.

A relationship with God (with daily fellowship) is worth it if it means eternal life.

You can ask Him to forgive you your sinful life now and He will come and make a new life with and for you. Amen.


Photo by Greyson Joralemon on Unsplash

Be Available

The world is in need of Changers–those who can turn situations around for good. The beautiful thing is that Changers does not necessarily have to be super human. They only need to Be Available for the daunting task.

Yes, the task to touch lives positively is very demanding but by far the most pleasant thing to do in one’s lifetime.

A new Person

With all these chaos and problems constantly overwhelming our society and plaguing our culture and destroying basic values, we need those who will challenge and turn the tide. If there is evil in the land, the world can never get better.

Total Peace and serenity is not really guaranteed, but moral values can be restored and people can learn to love and care.

Therefore, what we need is those who will stand for the truth because the truth is what makes people free.

You can touch lives in any way as long as you are willing to be available–to be a blessing to a soul. Let your positive life influence another life, then you have indeed make yourself a good Samaritan and effectively making the world a heaven away from heaven.

Be available. Bless people, and do whatever you can to live a life that reflect goodness and kindness just like God.

God lost Memory

The ability of God is unquestionable and unparalleled yet it seems He losses memory of records of sin(s) the moment He forgives.

God lost memory of all my sins

because they were all cleansed by the precious blood of His sacrificed Son, Jesus Christ.
This is amazing! God knows we are sinners and unworthy, yet He constantly beckon on us and when we come, whosoever comes, He forgives. And He not only forgives, He forgot.
I bet every one of us remembers some fault of one another to some level even after we have forgiven. I do not blame man because we have memory that keeps records of everything. God does have memory too but the only time He losses His memory is when He forgives.

So, He forgives us regardless of offense. Why? because all Sin, past, present and future Sin was and is and has been hung on Jesus.

Whatever happens, at least, we know that the scripture, His Word, is infallible. He said, “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” How can that be?

You can always come to God for forgiveness and He will still have mercy.
Thank God because we are so privileged that God is kind and good.
Take advantage of this nature of God and run to Him until you are saved.
When you do, He forgives and losses memory of your sins and you become a brand new person.

Ultimate Sacrifice

The ultimate sacrifice is to give yourself–your life for the life of another. Very few people have done this. And Jesus did gave Himself and gave all for us all, including those who are yet to be saved and those who are yet unborn.

You can wonder what else does the world want from a loving God? God has given us everything that is needed to live a wonderful life. But men devise their own way and their own method. Unfortunately, most of the time, these ways and methods are pervert and ungodly.

The ultimate price has been paid to ransom the lost. No other thing will God do because He said, “it is finished”. Yes, the remaining responsibility lies with man and man must determine its own destiny. You can choose to follow the person who paid the ultimate sacrifice to redeemed you and find eternal peace, or follow the world and everything it stands for(the world isn’t that nice to anyone anyway), or even follow yourself and please yourself–unfortunately you never get satiated.

The price has been paid once and for all time. So, your salvation has been guaranteed once and for all time. Yes, you heard me right. God did not save you so that tomorrow or next or later years, you will need to come back to be saved again. No! You were redeemed and sealed by the Holy Spirit.

Let God have is way in your life and live a life free of worry and trouble which stem from enjoying the ultimate sacrifice that God did on the cross. Amen.

Lord, Thank you

Yes! “Thank you Lord” is the delightful words of every true child of God.
Although the year is a few weeks from over, we can say “A Big Thank you” to a good Lord.

Not everyone may agree that they have something to thank God for, but the Bible says, “in everything give thanks for this is God’s will for us. Did you read that? Yes, it is God’s will that we give thanks.

No doubt, we all have challenges. Although, some people’s challenges may be greater than others. God is aware of this and He encourages us to trust Him for everything.

So, you can trust Him for those things you are waiting for. Which one would you rather do? Live in despair and desperation or live in courage and confidence? I’d rather choose the latter.

Make your mind to give thanks to God today for all He’s done and for all He’s going to do. Thank God for past and present and for the future and watch the glorious future comes to pass.
Thank you Lord!

Hear Us Oh God

Hear us oh God when we call on you. Save us from the evil in the land.

Let the righteous flourish and live in peace. Let your peace that surpasses all understanding be with us daily.

You joy remain our strength. Our hope is in you.You will come and save us. Our Redeemer and helper. Our help is in the name of the Lord.

The Lord is strong and mighty. He is mighty to save and deliver.

The Lord will save us and deliver us. Save us both now and forever for the power to save till the end is in your hands.


Your Most Important Need

Critically, there are several needs of man but most of the time after getting those needs met, they seem to fade away quickly making us wanting more.

Perhaps, some of the time, the things we think are the most important are actually not. Some of our needs are truly met but we remain void and empty inside because they are not the most important need.

Thus, the most important need of man should be Grace. And grace is God’s love–God naturally and supernaturally loving man without man doing anything.

The type of love God has for Jacob against Esau. The type of Grace that Solomon enjoyed and as a result had money, wealth and fame.
What you need is Grace. Therefore, ask God for Grace. Ask for Mercy.

The ultimate need of anyone is God. Man will always be in need, and I believe the quest for God is by far the paramount.

In the end, we will be accountable for how we have lived our lives, whether in good for good or in bad. And all of us will reap the fruit we have sown and also the fruit we are sowing right now.

Therefore, call on God right now and  ask God for Mercy and ask Him for Grace. He is the most important you need. He is all you need right now.