Your Hands; His Blessings

Blessings do not go into vacuum. It occupies a place to display the beauty of the blessing. When there is a need, God sends His blessing to the need. He does not bless emptiness.

The blessings of God need contact to manifest. Your hands must be occupied with a work for Him to bless. No work; no blessing. He sends His blessings to what your hands are busy doing–the work.

So, fill your hands with at least one work/job or any action (at all), He sends His blessings there–on your handiwork.

Your hands; His blessings.

Grace Beyond Measure

Forgiveness when we deserve none. Love when we do not merit it. Endless Help on daily basis. Yet, this God lavishes us continuously with benefits unmerited. Yes, this is called grace. We all misbehaved, and God has generals who do His works and He also has kids who not just constantly messed up but do it annoyingly. Yet, He is not mad at them. Love that is better than that of a parental love is God’s love.
What a sweet God and what a loving Father we have. What a God! This is truly God; this is Grace. Grace is love unending.

What is Grace? Love unending

Grace Beyond

Forgiveness when we deserve none. Love when we do not merit it. Endless Help on daily basis. Yet, this God lavishes us continuously with benefits unmerited. Yes, this is called grace. We all misbehaved, and God has generals who do His works and He also has kids who not just constantly messed up but do it annoyingly. Yet, He is not mad at them. Love that is better than that of a parental love is God’s love.
What a sweet God and what a loving Father we have. What a God! This is truly God; this is Grace. Grace is love unending.

How To Test Everything

Today, it is so hard to live a perfect life. “Perfect” here refers to a lifestyle acceptable to everyone. This is really hard.

So, how can we determine if a thing is right or wrong?

Test it against a predetermined standard. Standard are usually proven and established. Standard can verify a statement whether it is right or wrong. The Bible is a standard which has been tested and proven over the years to be infallible.

Test every statement against a former experience. It is said, “Experience is a  good teacher.” If you have fallen for a trick or a lie before, you will be smart enough not to fall for it again.

Test lifestyle against norms and acceptable lifestyle. Although it is difficult to live a perfect life, nevertheless, it is abominable and unworthy to follow someone who has a poor lifestyle or bad records and shows no consistency.

Test words against the truth. You can and will know the truth. When you do, you are free from lies and deceits. To know the truth, train your heart to love God.

Your leader may fall too but the true test of a good leader is recognizing his error and making necessary changes.

There are many false teachings today because for every good thing there is a bad replica. For every good human cells, there is a tendency for a cancerous cells. What do you do? Try and kill the cancer cells.

Watch yourself and watch your life. Again, you can avoid making mistakes by testing everything. By doing this, you will be confident in what you believe.

Test Everything

Before you follow anyone or listen to anyone, test and prove them.

Test such person and their life style. Do not just accept what they say or do without confirming for yourself.

If someone say one thing and you accept such person as your mentor or your leader or your counselor, this is not smart.

Test every words you hear, test every person to be sure you are not led astray. This way, you confirm everything for yourself and you are confident in what you believe.


Next post is–How to Test Everything

Beyond What You Can Do

God is able to do greater than you can do; bigger than you can do. God is able to do better than you can do. He is able to do beyond and above what you can imagine or conceive on your mind. God is good; very good.

Wherever you stops is His starting point. Do your best, He will pick up from where you stop. Trust Him, He will finish the rest of the job.

How To Know The Right Place

The Place

First, watch out for the sign of PEACE. I tell you, this is the leading sign– inner peace. Then watch out for deep satisfaction that is incomparable.
Then, watch out for little successes. This is a sign that God is with you in that project, work, job, relationship. If it will work, you will know from within and without. It has to be both because what you believe inside you must be confirmed from the outside with evidence.
Lastly, you will encounter challenges along the way but the sign that it is (still) the right place ( or right decision) for you is that you will notice God making a way for you out of no way. Be obedient to follow the lead.
Remember, Isaac dig a well three times in different places before he found his place and peace.

You will find your place in life and live in peace.

What is this Place?

The Place

It is possible to get to a place and be confused as to what to do. Often, we all get confused and find it hard to make the best decision.
There are usually solutions and answers when in this type of situation.

First, follow the path before you. If some have gone that path before, their experience serves as a foot steps for you to follow

Second, follow your heart. This is possible only if your heart is right. Don`t deceive yourself and allow your head to overrule your heart. If your heart is not right, you will miss the right direction.

Lastly, God will guide you that you will not miss it if you can hear Him. Isaiah said, “you will hear a voice behind you saying this is the way…. whether it is (the) right or left.” (Isaiah 30:21) What this means is that regardless of where you turn, whether right or left, you cannot miss it as long as you hear the voice telling you to go there. But be sure to hear correctly.

Absence of Trouble in My Location

The Place

God never promise absence of trouble at any time. Instead, He promised Peace. When you get to the place of your destiny, it does not mean that there will be no challenges. In fact, there will be. Your faith and trust in God will be tested. But if it is your place, and you are sure, you will overcome all challenges and come out shining.
Jesus said, “in this world you will have problems but be of good cheer I have overcome the world.”
Be sure you are in the right place and no matter what happens, you will always win.

And to get solution, we must pray. It was on record that Jesus had to pray every morning before others wake up to achieve the magnitude of His success. I believe we will achieve very little without prayer.