Stay connected to your calling. Today, in this world we live in, it is easy to lose hope and faint. It is even easier to get deceived with lies. In the quest for searching for the truth, many lose their true calling. It is easy to lose hope in the face of despair, especially when you have lost a dear person or a thing. It is easy to become gullible if you do not have a strong and firm grip on the truth.

Jesus Christ said that because sin shall abound, many people’s love for God will grow cold.
Amidst all these possibilities listed above and more, you can stay connected to God and your true calling by holding on to the truth that kept you till the moment you have your first doubt. The same faith that keeps you before can keep you going.
In a simple word, do not give up on your calling.
Stay strong in the faith you once believe and do not let the troubles of this life discourage you.
Faithful is He who saved you, and He can save you to the end if you do not give up. Staying connected to Him will let you appreciate that God will not leave you; neither will He forsake you in your time of need.
Photo by bhuvanesh gupta on Unsplash