Romans 12:3-8 Humility and Focus

The ability to think of other people more important than you is humility. This definition demonstrates that today’s society differs.
It is easy to shun other people.

We often disregard little ones, those we think are beneath us.

We shun the younger ones and think they’re not smart, forgetting that God can use them to perform great wonders.

We think of “what is in it for me” instead of “what is in it for others.

Today’s society exalts pride, arrogance, and self-praise.

Those who boast of things unreal try to impress people who don’t care about them.

“Jas 4:6, But he gives more grace. So that the Writings say, God is against the men of pride, but he gives grace to those who make themselves low before him.”

Different people work on a project, but they all work for the same purpose. If they are in conflict, achieving a successful completion is defeated.

We all have different body parts, but they all function to keep us alive and healthy. Imagine that the eyes are angry with the legs. How will the legs get to a place without the eyes to guide them, and how will the eyes see places without the legs’ assistance?

Be focused on your calling! Mind your business and excel at what you do.
Respect others and live a fulfilled life by doing what you have the strength to do, not what others are doing.

Be focused and mind your business!

Romans 12:2

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2

Conformity with the world is an enmity to God.
That is, if you’re going to satisfy the world, you’ll likely displease God.

You cannot do God’s will and balance your life with the world’s standards at same time. It is nearly impossible!

You must constantly think and work on your mind to do the right thing. Through this, you will be able to determine the will of God for your life.

Your renewed mind will be mindful of the things of God, and how to please Him will be a priority.

Ironically, you cannot satisfy this world (friends, colleagues, social media, trends, and even loved ones). They are more focused on your shortcomings than your positive vibes.

Expending your energy to serve God is better than trying to please this world.

Guide your heart!

True love….

True love cares;
True love thinks about others first;
True love is honest;
True love expresses empathy and shares burden;
True love sacrifices;
True love wait and
True love endures.

The idea about “love me,” “show me your love,” and even the “I love you” seems diluted, polluted,  and complicated today.

But we know that in our hearts, true love is patient.

Love is kind and behaves nicely towards others.

Love does not envy other people. It is happy with other people’s successes and does not wish them evil.

Love doesn’t need to boast or brag about anything. It allows things and events to announce themselves without pushing them.

And love is level-headed. It is warm, calm and, collected, right?

Love behaves respectfully. For instance, it allows other people to talk and doesn’t mind taking turns even if it’s the last turn.

Love is considering others before yourself.

Love relax and would not get offended easily.

Love speaks out carefully against wrongdoing and maintains the truth.

Love endures and is hopeful about tomorrow.

True love lasts forever.

So, this is true love.

This is what true love is all about.

Stop praying; start working!

Yeah, stop praying and start doing some work!

James 1:22-25 said we should be doing what the Word says and not just hear it only.

Hearing the Word but not doing anything is of no use.

Jesus gave us a perfect example. After He finished praying, He would often get up and start His day with His disciples.

It would be spiritual laziness to spend the entire time praying and doing nothing.

Even God works!

God spent the day creating the world and retiring in the “night.”

Let’s stop deceiving ourselves as if prayers solve everything without acting or working.

Let’s get to work out our faith with some works.

Re: When God is not God

I’m frustrated! What I expected is not happening. Oh no, but why, Lord? No one understands. I need help now, but none here to help. 

Sounds familiar to everyone. 

First of all, God cannot choose to not be God. This concept only exist on our mind when we feel disappointed that God did not do what we trusted Him to do.

This happens when we hold onto His promise(s) and did not see it happen.

God’s promises are “yes” and “amen”. It will surely come to pass. It’s just a matter of when. Remember, God honors His Word more than His name.

If you don’t know when an event will take place, you simply wait and on the lookout. If it doesn’t happen at the moment you expected, does this make Him incapable or limited,  or a liar? The answer is definitely “No”

So, what happens when we expect Him to do a promise and it does not happen? We surrender to His will. This is because He knows all things and He knows the best.

Learn to accept God both in the good time and also in the bad time. Learn from men of old and those who had gone through and going through a hard time right now and you will see that God has done and He is doing so much good for you than you can ever imagine.

Abraham was and is a good example. He didn’t know when God’s promise of a child will take place, but he waited. Although, he erred and missed it. His mistake still lingers on. At the right time, God visited him and his wife gave birth to Isaac.

God cannot seize to be God regardless of how we feel about Him, or the event of life.

Often, we are in a hurry, thinking that God is not doing His promise. Yes, He is! You just don’t see it with your naked eyes. 

Remember, He uses both the good and the bad to accomplish His purpose in life.

God was God in Pharaoh, and God was also God in David. 

So, whether it’s a good situation or a bad situation, God is still God.

..but there’s a single situation that God is not God. 

When you refuse to believe and doubt this Word, then God can’t be God. God is not God in your life when you doubt Him because He’s incapable of working His good promises in an unbeliever.

Therefore, accept His purpose and His will even when it does not makes sense.
God is still God regardless of our condition–good or bad.

The life of man on earth 7.0 (the visit)

I have been writing about the life of man on earth. It is a series that delves into the life of Job.

Today, I continue with Job’s friends’ visit.

Job’s friends came to visit him after his calamities, and they were surprised at how they found him.

He was their friend, and of course, was a wealthy fellow. So, the condition they saw wasn’t a good one.

They cried and kept mute for days without saying anything. 

There are good and bad sides to how Job’s friends responded to his new condition.

Sometimes, all you need to do to help someone is to say nothing. Keep your mouth shut!

You don’t know whether your words might hurt more or alleviate the problems.

Job’s friends tried to keep mute, but they could not sustain themselves for a long time before they start ranting.

We can learn to speak less and listen more.

These days, everyone wants to speak. Everyone wants to “be heard” There’s no crime speaking your mind, but in the multitudes of words, we often misspoke.

Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut. Proverbs 10:19

Lastly, entertain only friends who are going to lift you and not pull you down.

It is, for me, a daily decision because you cannot tell which friends are going to be nice to you “down the stretch” In a short time, most friends are cool, but not many cannot sustain themselves for a long time.

So, what type of visit are you entertaining today? What friends are you keeping?

The life of man on earth 6.0 (the discouragement)

Some people barely live their life, and many are almost giving up on life. 

Trust me, I am right there with you, but Job was much more right there with you.

Job experienced the most bizarre situation in life when he lost everything in a day. Everything!

Job’s wife told him to “curse God and die” That’s his wife telling Job to give up!

Then Job’s wife said to him, “Do you still retain your integrity? Curse God and die!” Job 2:9

I believe Job wouldn’t expect this elevated level of discouragement, but he wasn’t discouraged.

The bible says that Job did not sin against God despite all his calamities.

Life is not that easy.

You made every effort to succeed, but there are many challenges and discouragement easily set in. You are not alone.

Job’s friends did not help the matter. Instead, they make it worse. I know some friends are not encouraging in times of need. Job had a similar experience too. So, you are not alone.

David was so stressed because everyone that surrounded him was against him, but he encouraged himself. Encourage yourself too!

And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God. 1 Samuel 30:6

Jesus was also stressed out in His last days that he persuaded the disciples to pray. No, they didn’t! And the temptation was too much for them to bear as they all abandoned Him when He needed them most.

So, you are not alone; I am sure of this. Many people are going through what you are passing right now.

Be strong and take courage because there is always light at the end of the tunnel.


A sophisticated world

The world has changed since the time of the old and is still evolving rapidly.

God still works mysteriously in and around the world to effect His infallible words and purpose.

The believers are affected in many ways. Unfortunately, there is little choice.
The believers are affected not because God is not with them or for them but because the world is against them in many ways.

However, the significance of how desperately wicked the heart of man cannot be over-emphasized. 

The causal effects of many evil happenings in the world are not because God is incapable of doing anything. Instead, it is because man is constantly wreaking havoc ever since creation.

Talking to God like a friend– the dialogue

In my previous post, I emphasized that God is not a mysterious being that you cannot approach neither is He hidden in a place that you cannot come near. 

I said that He is your friend and also your heavenly Father. So, be free to say it all.
He hears everything.

I also said that those who spend more time talking to God acquire depths of His understanding and His ways and must be respected and revered. The reason is that they represent God and are often His messengers.

Lastly, I said Avoid distraction! We often focus on talking to people at the workplace and different places in our lives and usually give them undivided attention. Give God your heart and mind.

In my final post, I am saying that you should turn your conversation into a dialogue. Wait on God intermittently to hear Him speak a word to you. Be keen on what He is going to tell you. 

Look for insight into His word. There are possibilities of scripture flashing through your mind. Take a pause and search the word as it comes alive in your mind.

As you talk to God, He is also willing to speak to you. So, allow Him to say something to you too.

God is closer than we can imagine, and He is willing to engage in a conversation with us.

The closer we are to God, the better our relationship is.