God is in it all

Ecc 3:14 NET I also know that whatever God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it, and nothing taken away from it. God has made it this way, so that men will fear him.

It is because of bible verse like the one above that I believe God is in control of everything even if the situation says otherwise.

God holds it all together and He is in it all so that nothing happens outside of His limitless, sovereign power.

We may not understand many things, but God understands all things, and He’s in control of everything.

So, what do we do in this type of situation?
I understand that the best thing to do when you don’t know where you’re going is to ask for direction, and when direction is not provided, you simply follow the lead of the person leading you, or the lead of the person who knows the way.

God knows the way, and Jesus said, “I am the way.”

Therefore, follow Him even when things look blurring and confusing.

We shall not miss it in Jesus mighty name,

The quiet day

So, Jesus died on the cross on Friday.

There was a lot of chaos and talking about Jesus leading to His death.

Then came Saturday, and everything was quiet. No one is saying anything.

The quiet day.

But it seems that the quiet day was the most active day for Jesus.

He was busy fighting on our behalf, fighting against death, Satan, and our sin.

He fought and defeated all our enemies.

This is the only reason we claim victory even before we fight any battle because Jesus won it all for us.

I’m confident that Sunday’s coming, and there will resume talking and, of course, some great things.

The quiet day was the day Jesus conquered all. Amen!

God’s got this madness under control

I was talking with someone about whether one man can single-handedly determine the fate of the world.

I remembered how God used Pharaoh for His end purpose.

Pharaoh thought he was doing the right thing. No, he was inadvertently doing God’s will.

Proverbs 21:1 says that the king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, and He directs it where He pleases.

God knows every decision of man, and He gives the final verdict.

So this makes me think that no action of (any) man in history can effectively alter God’s purpose in any way.

God still controls the affairs of the world he created regardless of how we feel about what’s happening, or whatever is going on around in the world.

Psalm 33:11 NIV
But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.

The Believer’s anchor

The only hope of any believer is in the infallible nature of God to fail.

Discouragement is possible and happens.
Life’s event turns unpalatable, and Christians get discouraged.

Your anchor is God.

“The love of many will grow cold as a result of problems and troubles all around. Remember, Jesus mentioned this.

So, hang onto nothing else except hope in God.

He’s capable of saving to the very end.

Your hope in God will not and cannot fail you.

This world will definitely pass away with everything in it, but those who put their trust in God will abide forever.

The Lord is able to save to the very end.

Asking for the lead

One major reason we ask for the lead is to avoid missing the way.

When there’s a lead, errors are avoided or minimized.

A lead gives us certainty of where we are going and which direction will help us achieve the end result– the destination.

Without a lead, we go astray.

We must ask/pray for the lead so that we don’t miss it.

And when you suddenly realize that you have been treading in the wrong direction, retrace your steps and head back in the right direction.

Happy new month of February, 2022.

By and by!

By and by when the morning comes;
All the saints of God  are gathered home;
We’ll tell the story of how we’ve overcome;
For we’ll understand it better by and by.

This song is a reminisce.

Now, I believe I have a clearer picture of it.
A lot is happening in our world that we don’t understand, but when the Lord comes, no more confusion.

Everything hidden will be revealed. So many questions beg for answers, but the request for answers shall be granted. It’s a matter of time.

God will reveal His purpose, and His plans shall ultimately come to pass, and the finality of it all is when He comes.

Thank God!

Thank God I’m still here!

Thank God for the breath of life;

Thank God I’m not a victim of crime or gun bullet;

Thank God I do not lose anyone, although I don’t, by any means, wish that on anyone too;

Thank God for Peace;

Thank God for sound health,

Thank God for the past, the present, and the future.

And in everything give thanks. For in this, God is delighted.

The ultimate fate of all

We all will leave (die) this world and face the Judge of all judges.

And just as each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment, Hebrews 9:27

I’m confident there’s still a God somewhere who ultimately determines the fate of every man.

The system will likely fail you. Things may not work as you hoped they should; handicapped and unable to make any difference.

But Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers in this world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them. Matthew 20:25

You can’t trust anyone to make it work for you because of the wickedness in the heart, more dangerous if it’s unrepentant, callous, and egregious.

“The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? Jeremiah 17:9

It is my hope and confidence that everyone will be judged by the ultimate Judge. Regardless of color or race, no one will escape the hands of the almighty God.

Elijah said, “I serve the Lord who rules over all. You can be sure that he lives. And you can be just as sure that I will speak to Ahab today.” 1 Kings 18:15

because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.” Acts 17:31

So, there’s still hope that if everything else fails, God cannot. And that, in His time, He will make all things alright.

Re: When God is not God

I’m frustrated! What I expected is not happening. Oh no, but why, Lord? No one understands. I need help now, but none here to help. 

Sounds familiar to everyone. 

First of all, God cannot choose to not be God. This concept only exist on our mind when we feel disappointed that God did not do what we trusted Him to do.

This happens when we hold onto His promise(s) and did not see it happen.

God’s promises are “yes” and “amen”. It will surely come to pass. It’s just a matter of when. Remember, God honors His Word more than His name.

If you don’t know when an event will take place, you simply wait and on the lookout. If it doesn’t happen at the moment you expected, does this make Him incapable or limited,  or a liar? The answer is definitely “No”

So, what happens when we expect Him to do a promise and it does not happen? We surrender to His will. This is because He knows all things and He knows the best.

Learn to accept God both in the good time and also in the bad time. Learn from men of old and those who had gone through and going through a hard time right now and you will see that God has done and He is doing so much good for you than you can ever imagine.

Abraham was and is a good example. He didn’t know when God’s promise of a child will take place, but he waited. Although, he erred and missed it. His mistake still lingers on. At the right time, God visited him and his wife gave birth to Isaac.

God cannot seize to be God regardless of how we feel about Him, or the event of life.

Often, we are in a hurry, thinking that God is not doing His promise. Yes, He is! You just don’t see it with your naked eyes. 

Remember, He uses both the good and the bad to accomplish His purpose in life.

God was God in Pharaoh, and God was also God in David. 

So, whether it’s a good situation or a bad situation, God is still God.

..but there’s a single situation that God is not God. 

When you refuse to believe and doubt this Word, then God can’t be God. God is not God in your life when you doubt Him because He’s incapable of working His good promises in an unbeliever.

Therefore, accept His purpose and His will even when it does not makes sense.
God is still God regardless of our condition–good or bad.