It is possible to get to a place and be confused as to what to do. Often, we all get confused and find it hard to make the best decision.
There are usually solutions and answers when in this type of situation.
First, follow the path before you. If some have gone that path before, their experience serves as a foot steps for you to follow
Second, follow your heart. This is possible only if your heart is right. Don`t deceive yourself and allow your head to overrule your heart. If your heart is not right, you will miss the right direction.
Lastly, God will guide you that you will not miss it if you can hear Him. Isaiah said, “you will hear a voice behind you saying this is the way…. whether it is (the) right or left.” (Isaiah 30:21) What this means is that regardless of where you turn, whether right or left, you cannot miss it as long as you hear the voice telling you to go there. But be sure to hear correctly.