Wisdom nuggets

Do not trust more than you should. This way, you won’t be disappointed if they let you down.

Those who think they know a lot usually don’t know a lot. Besides, no one knows everything.

You will likely encounter a lot of obstacles on your way. In all, stay through to yourself. Do not fail yourself!

Anyone can get tired. So, take some rest frequently.

There will always be a replacement. So, don’t stress yourself out doing it all.

Hatred and racism have always been in the heart of man. Will it change now? My resounding answer is a big No!

Seek your happiness and do things that make you happy.

Turn down and stay away from anything that does not align and help fulfill your goals and purpose in life no matter how enticing it is.

In most cases, people look out for their interests first before they look out for you.

Believing the truth is simple but people chose to embrace lies and falsehood.

Wisdom nuggets

Your weaknesses make you prone to attack.

Weaknesses are evidence that we are not perfect beings.

Weak spots are a target for the enemy.

It is humility to acknowledge your weakness and ask for help. It is also a smart thing to do.

Acknowledging your weak areas is a sign of strength.

Always ask for help in your weak/vulnerable areas.

The Lord does not fail in His promises.

Obedience is one major key to unlocking the heavenly blessings.

The blessing of the Lord truly makes you rich with little or no stress.

A man’s struggle reduces significantly with any external help or assistance.

Do not align yourself with someone who has a different value system or mindset. It messes up your rhythm.

Trying to befriend a person who does not believe in what you believe is like trying to play cards with the devil.


from wisdom snippets

Positioning yourself- take action

Rth 3:4 NET When he gets ready to go to sleep, take careful notice of the place where he lies down. Then go, uncover his legs, and lie down beside him. He will tell you what you should do.”

This is really fascinating to me. This is Ruth saying to Boaz, “here I am. I am available for you.”

For Ruth to make this bold and brittle move, she must be so confident in herself, and quite audacious. 

It is a rare but necessary move if Ruth is going to settle down in her new-found home. 

Ruth didn’t impose or force herself on Boaz. She waited and carefully do the normal ritual appropriate at the moment.

The ability to read and understand the time, the mood, and the circumstances is impressive.

I believe that this is what made Ruth secure her place in life, not self-righteousness, sneaky behavior, attitude or being cocky.

Nowadays, we seek to do it our own way and we often make mistakes. 

Ruth listened to her mother-in-law, and followed the instructions that got her the rightful position. 

Who has ear let him hear!