God truly Cares

God cares about us and He cares about our daily, basic needs.

He provided food for Ishmael in the wilderness.

He provided water for Isaac and helped Jacob after cheating his brother.

He made Joseph king so that Israel and his children did not die of hunger during famine.

He granted Israel favor before the Egyptians such that they were favorably disposed and they gave the Israelites every thing they requested.

The Israelites crossed the Red Sea by God’s Mercy.

For the sake of His own, the wicked Egyptians perished in the same Red Sea.

God truly cares.

to be continued…

The Lord’s Prayer–Forever in His Presence

The Psalmist ends Psalm 23 with “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.”

This morning, this day, may the Lord’s goodness surpasses the enemies’ wickedness. May the Lord be with us on daily basis, to live in His presence, covered by and with the Lord’s arm. May His Mercy keeps us from evil that happens each day. May God wipe away our tears and cause His goodness to surrounds us.
Lord, please, let your Mercy stay with us for the rest of our days, for the rest of our lives.

Love the Lord with your heart and live for Him forever.
We love you God.

Just A Touch……A Special Touch

It feels like heaven in me right now. Better than just a mere wish is to have heaven lives inside you.

The beauty of a morning dawn, the realization of reclining in the loving hands of a loving God and to relish the fact you are loved regardless makes life just a little wanting more of it.

….in His hands; beautiful hands forever to live.

Heavenly Transformation

…..finally, soon (but not so soon in my eyes), when everything is changed and transformed, when things are no longer the way it’s used to be, when the Change finally brings a new me, and I see new things and new people who are brightened and transformed like me, then I will comprehend the hardest things ever and I will live forever a free one.

How beautiful it is to know that God’s goodness is His infinite Mercy bringing internal peace and joy unending. The finality of everything will be God Himself living in us and with us.
…looking forward to a glorious transformation here as it is in heaven, Amen

The Lord’s Prayer–No Boundary

So, if God  blesses His people in a strange land, it means that it does not matter the location, the environment or the surrounding people. Once blessed, forever blessed.

The blessings of God knows no boundary. The blessings from God shows or demonstrates God’s love and kindness because these blessings are not based on our performances or actions or personal goodness. That is, no matter how we try, we may not be able to impress God.

He chooses to bless the Israelites in Egypt despite their lack of faith. He blessed Jacob even though he cheated his brother multiple times. He provided for Elijah in the forest (after he ran away thinking that he is the only godly prophet left and was trying to do God a favor). He had mercy upon Peter despite denying Him three times.

So, God’s blessing is His Mercy and His Mercy is His Love.

What we need is God’s blessing on all areas of our lives because it does not take into consideration what you do or have done; it only takes into consideration what He has done or His doing because His Love knows no bound.

The Lord’s Prayer–fears disperse

God’s presence brings Peace. His presence disperses fear. His Grace counters hustles, burden, labor.
Fear torments. And it’s one of the  strongest enemy’s weapon.

Those who bully uses fear technic on their prey. Devil, the evil one, uses fear to make us lose confidence in God and in what God can do and in His promises.

Even In the darkest moment, you can walk through and survive.

If you know and believe God is with you, you won’t and shouldn’t be afraid.

God does not leave His own both in good time and in bad time. He is always near. That confidence is what you need to defeat and counter fear.

The Lord’s Prayer–He guides

“He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.”

Because we get tired after so much labor, man needs to rest and regain strength. God renews the strength of the weak. For tougher challenges of life, we truly need God to help.

So, when you are confused and don’t know what to do, call on Him and He will pull you through or rescue you.

He guides His own in the right path. There are many ways in life but you need The Way. You need the place that God has prepared for you. The reason is because not every place is your place. You need your own place to prosper in life. So, God is committed to guide His own in the right path.

When we are faithfully led in the right direction, God is happy because this His honor. You are happy because you also experience successes.
Allow Him to lead and guide you in every path and in every direction. Don’t make the wrong turn. Call on God and He will guide you.

The Lord’s Prayer-my Shepherd’s care

We need the Lord as our daily Shepherd to meet our daily need so we can say that “I will have no need of anything because my Shepherd provides it all.

My Shepherd orders my steps, my feet to the most fertile place, to the best job for me, to where my provisions has been stored, to my destiny, and yes to The Place.

At The Place, I found Peace of mind.  I am at Peace. My spirit is at rest. I found comfort and joy at what I do. I enjoy my daily work and I love whatever I do. There is Peace of mind and my heart is contented because my Shepherd makes me sit and relax at The Place where there is no trouble and where there is no chaos.

“Surely Love and Mercy, your Peace and Kindness will follow me”.