In my final post on this series, I will share a few strategies for staying afloat and avoiding falling from grace to grass.
I emphasized that Prayer is not just about the usual talking to God or asking that we all do. I am talking about pleading or begging for a cause, not for a short time but a continual or consistent, intentional act that draws the grace of God to move in a given direction.

The secret strategies you can use to stay from sinking are as follows.
– do not ignore the prompts.
– even after falling into sin, go ahead and pray to your God.
– ask God for help
-ask your mentor or counselor for assistance (if you have one)
– if you do not have any mentor or guidance, consistently talk to God both loudly and in your heart.
– you will get out of any trouble if you maintain a cordial relationship with God (remember David and his sinful relationship, and Peter with his denial of Jesus).
– There are times that your flesh is so appealing that it is pushing you to sin against God, and it may overwhelm the weary soul that you give in.
The secret to overcoming this is to keep talking to God in your heart.
The tactic of the devil is to create a guilt feeling. This feeling is so overwhelming that you think God cannot accept you nor listen to you.
It is not true. It is another lie from the enemy to keep your relationship with God strained.
If the devil can get you to think that you are not acceptable or worthless, he has succeeded in keeping you away from God.
If he succeeded in keeping you away from God, then he has succeeded in making your communication with God a difficult one. Once this sets in, you lose your confidence to approach God, and you are on the cause for a steep and deep fall.
If you can kick out this lie, you have overcome it.
The devil plans to cheat us, but God’s plan for us is of peace to give us a beautiful ending.
We will win and overcome by God’s grace.