You can conceive great ideas and logical means of creating wealth . As long as your heart does not condemn your actions, this is possible. For instance, your heart will lead you to your place of destiny, to the place where you will be successful or fulfilled. The scientific function of the heart is to pump and supply blood to every part of the body.

This means the heart knows and reaches every part of a human body. It is safe, then, to say that the heart knows every part of the bodies’ need. It can guide you to where your treasure lies.
If your heart is filled with an evil thought, it can only produce evil actions. If you cheat, it’s because you conceive cheating in your heart. If you lie, it’s because your heart has been seared, corrupt and degraded that it cannot hold the truth anymore. If you work hard, it’s because your heart believes working hard is key to success. whatever you do, your heart conceives it. This is why your heart has to be “good” to produce any good actions.
Behind every intentions is a longing heart that serves as a driving, propelling force to fulfill the intentions. Therefore, if you can find your heart, you will be able to find your purpose for existence. If you do this, you may likely provide and meet your own need while fulfilling your longings.
A CPA student’s desire will be to complete the exams and practice or use the certificate to get a better job. The same goes for PMP student, MBA student, Ph.D student and for any profession.
Imagine if the same heart can conceive any evil thought at all. This means that a person can wake up with the soul purpose of carrying out an evil act such as mass shooting or bombing, robbing a bank or cheating.
The more compelling thought is that the heart can hold any thought within a second and can keep such thought (plan) for a very long time—becoming a purpose–with a desire to achieve this purpose. Therefore, if your heart is evil, you are a potential danger to anyone.
Photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST on Unsplash