How to turn your exhausted life into an excited life 3.0

In my last two posts, I talked about how you can use your sweet old memories and waiting on God to re-energize your dampened spirit. Today, I am introducing another recipe for the revitalization of your exhausting life.

Hope is an expectation and assurance in God’s faithfulness that what He promises will happen or come to pass.

There is a general confusion between Faith and Hope, but the two are completely different. Hope is one of the greatest attributes. Without it, the bible says we are the most miserable people on earth.

When you think about God’s promises that they are true and that God can never lie, it increases confidence.

God’s promises are unbroken. They will surely come to pass. He is not a man that lies or a man that cannot hold unto his word and fulfill it.

So, when your soul is weary and tired, remember His promises. Remember He said that “I will never leave you nor forsake you” “Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you.”
 Hold unto these promises and repeat over and over until your spirit is confident in God’s ability to fulfill it.

Hope does not give up because there is an assurance that God can do what He says. There is no failure with God.

Take those words of God and practice them daily until it becomes part of you, and do not give them up because Hope says, “I believe God can do what He says He will do. He never fails, and He is not going to let me down. God is able!

Expect from God to help you, and He will perform it if you continue to hold unto His promises.


How to turn your exhausted life into an excited life 2.0

In the last post, I gave an illustration of how sweet old memories can wake up the sleeping giant in you and revitalize your passion. There is another way you can re-energize your spirit.

Those who wait on God receive strength and power. You can come to God to obtain this strength that you will need in times of weakness.

We may become faint and tired, but God never grows weary.
God’s wisdom is infinite or beyond infinite ( I mean you cannot imagine how smart God is), but man has little understanding.
God’s strength is limitless. He is never exhausted and does not get tired.

When your car is running out of gas, you quickly stop at the nearest station to refill.
It makes logical sense that, when you are tired and weary, you should run to God to be refilled and energized.

Talk to God about your exhaustion and ask Him for what you need to keep the passion. Remember, weaklings, are usually left out of the race.

How to turn your exhausted life into an excited life 1.0

There are several ways you can motivate and wake up the sleeping giant in you, but I have thoughtfully crafted this that I believe is useful for all times.
Refresh your old memories that bring sweet feelings. Although this seems simple, you have to recollect all of the good feelings you had in the past.

Old memories of your accomplishments, successes, and breakthroughs can ignite the fire and resurrect the passion you once had.

Such memories can be a successful pass of a graduate or any school examination, your first job, your first paycheck, etc. Such memories often trigger passion and strong desires that can motivate you and push you towards your goal.

If you have lost the desire to pray, remember how God answered your prayers in the past. Remember how you pray regularly and the results of the prayers. Remember how you were zealous for God. This may likely kindle the fire to wake you up from your slumber. 

Recollect your old memories and let them ignite the fire within you by waking up the sleeping giant.

Grace and help for all times

The grace that keeps you standing when you first believe can keep you standing during your crises and tough times. God’s grace is always the same and useful every time and for all situations.

Grace for all times

Remember how committed you were and how excited you were when you first believe. Tap into that same help that grace offers. All you need to gain victory is the same grace and help that was available for you. It was useful in the past; it is very useful now.

He said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” This promise alone can stir the courage and strength you need to keep going.
Today is more challenging than before, and you need the grace to live each day.
Do not lose your confidence in God.
“So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you!”

Stay Connected to Your Calling

Stay connected to your calling. Today, in this world we live in, it is easy to lose hope and faint. It is even easier to get deceived with lies. In the quest for searching for the truth, many lose their true calling. It is easy to lose hope in the face of despair, especially when you have lost a dear person or a thing. It is easy to become gullible if you do not have a strong and firm grip on the truth.

Stay connected to God

Jesus Christ said that because sin shall abound, many people’s love for God will grow cold.
Amidst all these possibilities listed above and more, you can stay connected to God and your true calling by holding on to the truth that kept you till the moment you have your first doubt. The same faith that keeps you before can keep you going.
In a simple word, do not give up on your calling.
Stay strong in the faith you once believe and do not let the troubles of this life discourage you.
Faithful is He who saved you, and He can save you to the end if you do not give up. Staying connected to Him will let you appreciate that God will not leave you; neither will He forsake you in your time of need.


Photo by bhuvanesh gupta on Unsplash

The Freedom We Have

If truly America is the land of the free, then it should be the land of the free. Its citizens should not have to protest to be free. There seems to be ample evidence that people, not just in America but all over the world, are tired of fighting for freedom, justice, and liberty.

The bible says that “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

Well, it is absurd to think that some would not mind practicing slavery despite civilization, but people’s mind is free, and it will be an uphill task to hold people bound as it was a practice in the old days.

Paul the Apostle admonished a slave master (Philemon) to take another man, (Onesimus) not as a slave anymore but, as a dear brother.

Those in captive always seek to be free and will do anything to be free.

Rise to your freedom. Write it out! Do not be tired to express yourself with confidence. Slave masters do not care to continue to enslave you again if you are careless about your freedom. Teach your kids the same too.

We should live as a free man on planet earth. This responsibility rest on man and, God has given us free will to chose between good and evil. It is human who enslaves others and not God.

Therefore, we must strive to achieve our God-endowed purpose, which is to live, multiply, and subdue the earth.

Keep on Praying

These are extraordinary times and call for us to seek God more than ever before.
We have a promise that God will hear us if only we pray. We cannot be complacent and indifferent rather we should be concerned that the world around us seems to be crumbling.

This is the time to arise, pray to God.

“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.”

“Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”

Let us call on God and pray so He may heal and deliver our land.

Don’t stop praying; keep on praying until there is a change and our land is healed and restored.

Let us arise and pray to God who can save us from all our troubles.

The secret to abundance- Obedience

One of the fundamental challenges of man is paying attention to basic instructions or obeying simple instructions. It’s important to remind ourselves that we are here today, with all our problems and a world of chaos, because Adam and Eve couldn’t follow through on a simple instruction.

Obedience to God’s instructions is key to unlocking your blessings. Think of a child who disobeys. You won’t be pleased not only because the child doesn’t listen but also because the child may, in the process, endanger his or her own life.

God’s standards will not change. If it’s a call to pray, pray! If it’s a call to talk to someone about a business or seek advice, do it without arrogance or pride. If it’s a call to be patient or wait, it is wise to slow down at the moment. Rushing or working round the clock to speed up the arrival of your breakthrough will not necessarily move God to act.

Let’s learn from the patriarch– Abraham did not receive the blessing-his descendants did– he had to wait. Moses waited for 40 years before he could lead the Israelites nation. Joseph spent time in prison even though for the wrong reasons but, when the time came, he became king. David was anointed king as a teenager. He never became king until he was 30 years old. Jesus Christ fasted and waited for 40 days before he commenced His ministry.

Many of our daily struggles would be over in a short time If we would follow simple instructions.
Therefore, listen and learn, and most importantly, obey so you can reap the maximum benefits.

1 Samuel 15:22 NIV
But Samuel replied: “Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.

Deuteronomy 15:5-6 NIV
if only you fully obey the Lord your God and are careful to follow all these commands I am giving you today. [6] For the Lord your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you.

Joshua 1:8 NIV
Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

The secret to abundance- Trust

Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry, but those who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing.
Psalms 34:10

Trusting the Lord unlocks the storehouse of God’s abundance and releases these blessings upon those who trust Him.

You can only seek God if you trust Him to provide those things that you lack.

So, the blessing of God is still guaranteed even in the period of uncertainty.