Talking to God like a friend– the dialogue

In my previous post, I emphasized that God is not a mysterious being that you cannot approach neither is He hidden in a place that you cannot come near. 

I said that He is your friend and also your heavenly Father. So, be free to say it all.
He hears everything.

I also said that those who spend more time talking to God acquire depths of His understanding and His ways and must be respected and revered. The reason is that they represent God and are often His messengers.

Lastly, I said Avoid distraction! We often focus on talking to people at the workplace and different places in our lives and usually give them undivided attention. Give God your heart and mind.

In my final post, I am saying that you should turn your conversation into a dialogue. Wait on God intermittently to hear Him speak a word to you. Be keen on what He is going to tell you. 

Look for insight into His word. There are possibilities of scripture flashing through your mind. Take a pause and search the word as it comes alive in your mind.

As you talk to God, He is also willing to speak to you. So, allow Him to say something to you too.

God is closer than we can imagine, and He is willing to engage in a conversation with us.

The closer we are to God, the better our relationship is.


Talking to God like a friend– how can I?

In my previous post, I stated that God is approachable. You can come to God and be yourself. You can use every word available, and you need not be careful of expressing yourself in God’s presence.

How can we do this successfully? The question is like saying how can I be a good friend of God, or at least His “buddy”?

First, you need to try and know Him and His ways. You cannot be a good friend to anyone without knowing them.

The best way to understand God is through His words. Learn His words, and you would have known a good chunk of who God is.

Develop a new habit of talking to Him every time, especially using your mental faculty (mind), is a great thing.

Avoid distraction! We often focus on talking to people at the workplace and different places in our lives and usually give them undivided attention. Give God your heart and mind.

You can avoid distraction by turning distraction to your notepad. Yes, turn distraction to your notepad! Whenever you remember anything or something that tries to catch your attention, write it down while you are talking to God, but never leave the presence of God.

Don’t stop talking to God even if you are distracted. After a while, you would train your mind to focus when you are with God.

Lastly, even if you don’t know what to say, the bible says that the Spirit will help us pray. The Holy Spirit understands God and can communicate with Him clearly than we can. So, He will help our minds say things that our mouth cannot utter.

Sometimes, He will help you speak in different languages called “tongues”

In all, you will know God more when you talk to Him often like a friend.
Give it a try!

Talking to God Like a friend– there are levels

In my last posts, I made it clear that anyone can approach God. Anyone can talk to God at any time. You can use simple words and communicate your minds and feelings to Him.

God listens to every word, and you need not be careful to say what is on your mind when you go to pray.

Remember Hannah when she asked God for Samuel. She prayed passionately, expressing her thoughts and feelings. So, do not forget to tell it all when you pray.

However, there are levels to this approach. Different people approach God in different ways.

Some spend few minutes talking to God, and some spend hours and even days talking to God. God deals with individuals differently.

Moses spent days on the mountain talking to God one on one. Jesus often woke up early before others to pray, and Paul spent days praying, admonishing the believers to keep on praying.

The takeaway from this is that those who spend more time talking to God acquire depths of His understanding and His ways and must be respected and revered. The reason is that they represent God and are often His messengers.

Therefore, I believe it is foolishness to disrepute His messengers and shepherds.

If indeed they are called by God, they’re most likely operating at a different level than you are, and when you disregard them, you are simply saying that God, I disagree with what you are doing.

The way a one-year-old toddler communicates is different from the way a full-grown man does.

There are levels to talking to God.

Talking to God as a friend– use every word

In my last post, I stated that God is not a mysterious person and that He is approachable.

Today, I am saying that when you talk to God, say every word that you can.

First, I have to explain that God often comes to our level of understanding to give or explain things to us. He does this for clarity purposes– so that we’re not in the dark or confused.

So, when you approach God, you mustn’t try to be “Mister Right”. “Mister Right” don’t get anything from God.

Say what’s on your mind. Voice your concerns. Don’t reserve or mince your words. Remember, the bible says “make your requests known unto God.”

Ephesians 6:18 says “…..with every prayer”, and prayer is talking to God. So, we can say that — with all talking to God.

Therefore, when you talk to God, say what’s on your mind just the way it is. Say everything and don’t reserve.

He’s your friend and also your heavenly Father. So, be free to say it all.
He hears everything.

Talking to God as a friend

God is not a mysterious being that you cannot approach neither is He hidden in a place that you cannot come near. 

God has appealed several times that we should talk to Him. Moses was so close to God that he “saw” the rear back of God. He talked to God directly.

The bible clearly says that “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”

God is a Spirit which means He is everywhere because He is Omnipresent. Therefore, He can hear you whenever you call.

We miss a lot when we do not talk to Him about our needs and desires. We can talk to God about anything and everything because the bible says “make your request known unto God.”

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

You can use the same energy you use in whining and complaining to talk to God the same way you talk to a friend. He is near to hear you.

How to stop The Falling From Grace 4.0

Sometimes, one must maintain a consistent line of intercession over time. It is not to suggest that God did not hear you the first time, but it is a way of appealing the case before God just like you would before a judge. You must pray your way out of calamity.

Prayer- your saving grace

I emphasized that Prayer is not just about the usual talking to God or asking that we all do. I am talking about pleading or begging for a cause, not for a short time but a continual or consistent, intentional act that draws the grace of God to move in a given direction.

There are several examples of people in the Bible that demonstrate a consistent habit of pleading their case before God. Some of these people got what they wanted, some did not, yet they did not give up.

Cain killed his brother Abel. Afterward, he begged God to save his life. God agreed and put a mark on him for his protection. 

Abraham prayed to God concerning Isaac’s life. God agreed and made a provision. He pleaded with God to spear the life of his son, Isaac. God heard him.

Jacob prayed, asking for help as he journey through an unknown land. God appeared to Him.

Moses would spend time again and again pleading to God on behalf of the rebellious Israelites. Countless times Moses was able to avert the destruction of the Israelites.

Samson prayed one more time after his eyes plucked out of their sockets. God heard him, and he defeated and killed the enemies more than when he had his eyes intact.

Time would fail to enumerate people, who through prayers, saved nations and rescue the prey from the spoiler.

Jesus went on to pray all night before the crucifixion. He often spent time praying all night. Jesus asked the Father that if it’s possible, He averted the pain. Jesus was willing to sacrifice His life, and as such, He gave it all.

The bible encouraged us to pray without ceasing. While Peter was in prison, the followers refused doubt he would be released and kept praying for his freedom.

Paul said that he didn’t stop praying for the disciples every day.

Many of us will not get through this life without the help of continual prayers. 

Jesus, while on the throne, at the right hand, still pleads on our behalf.

Through the grace of God, we can maintain a daily victorious life if we do not stop seeking God and maintaining a committed relationship with Him.


How to stop The Falling From Grace 3.0

In my last post, I emphasized that Prayer is not just about the usual talking to God or asking that we all do. I am talking about pleading or begging for a cause, not for a short time but a continual or consistent, intentional act that draws the grace of God to move in a given direction.

Prayer- your saving grace

David was known as a man after God’s heart. He loved God, and obviously, God loved him too.

David obeyed all the commandments of God, and he didn’t turn away from following God.

However, David still errs. David had sexual relations with another man’s wife. He went ahead to kill the husband of the woman after a futile effort to clear all traces.

I have often thought that if David, a man after God’s heart, can fall, most likely anyone can.

Nevertheless,  David searched for God’s help again and again. He pleaded for mercy. Even the prophet, Nathan, prayed for him. He was very remorseful and acknowledged that he missed it. 

David understood the importance of falling and the desperate need for grace. He sought it and found it. This type of action wasn’t an ordinary prayer. It is the pleading and crying to God I talked about earlier.

David would go-ahead to write a whole chapter of Psalms 51 dedicated to this encounter with God.

We need this today– to seek God desperately whether it’s convenient or not. As believers, we must seek God in the darkest moment of our lives. Christians must cry out to Him. Sin must not be allowed to create an unnecessary barrier. It must break! David didn’t wait till he feels right or feels good or until his senses say, ” now, you can approach God”

No, he went immediately after God. Demonstration of action like this is how to avert falling from grace.  Never wait a second. Begin to seek God immediately you are down and plead your case for restoration. 

If David can have it, so can you.

We will not miss it by God’s grace. 

How to stop The Falling From Grace 2.0

In my last post, I emphasized that Prayer is not just about the usual talking to God or asking that we all do. I am talking about pleading or begging for a cause, not for a short time but a continual or consistent, intentional act that draws the grace of God to move in a given direction.

Prayer- your saving grace

The reason for this type is because it is a plea to save the Christian not from sin but from falling into dismay.

Jesus said to Peter, “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat,

Remember, Satan is only doing what he knows best, and that is to “steal, kill and destroy.” Satan intended to destroy Peter (also known as Simon).

God has a better plan; a great purpose for us than we can think of–to save us from the wicked hands.

but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.”

I believe Peter would have fallen and failed if Jesus had not intervened and prayed for Peter.

It is this type of pleading that delivers from falling from Grace. We must quest for this with passion, or someone must pray on our behalf to save us from losing it all in life.

Although Peter denied Jesus three times, Peter experienced deliverance from spiritual depression and death.  It is the Grace that Peter enjoyed but that Judas Iscariot could not.

The thin line between missing it and gaining is the Grace of God that comes from passionate intercession and God’s Mercy that comes with it.

I pray that we will not miss it in our lives and that we will enjoy God’s Grace and Mercy that keeps one above and flying high.

How to stop The Falling From Grace 1.0

Recently, I have been studying some notable names in the bible that made mistakes or missteps in their actions but were ultimately saved by grace through the ministry of intercession.

Two people stand-out of the many that are worthy of discussion. I’m talking about Peter and David, both of whom, if not for the grace of intercession that they enjoyed, could have fallen, and their end would have been catastrophic. They made huge errors but rose again through intercessory prayers.

I found the secret to averting falling from grace, and it is Prayer, and I am not talking about the usual talking to God or asking that we all do. I am talking about pleading or begging for a cause, not for a short time but a continual or consistent, intentional act that draws the grace of God to move in a given direction. 

Prayer- your saving grace

Prayers and continual intercession could save anyone from falling regardless of the level of fall.

For the next blogs, I will devote time to talk about Peter and David.

Peter enjoyed the grace of Jesus’ prayers in the dark moments of his life, and as a result, he gained strength that was invaluable in times of need.

David fell after a careless busy-body exhibition, but Nathan, the prophet, interceded on his behalf. He also cried out his soul to God.

Join me as we delve deeper into the two personalities in my next post.


God’s favor and Men’s favor

You need God’s favor and men’s favor in life for progress and accomplishment.

The bible says, “Meanwhile, the boy Samuel grew taller and grew in favor with the Lord and with the people.”
1 Samuel 2:26.

Also, the bible says that Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people.
Luke 2:52

Even if God did not screw you up in heaven, men are likely to screw you here on earth.

Therefore, pray for both God’s favor and men’s favor.